Category A03. Publications & Brand Collateral
Entrant Company UNCLE GREY Copenhagen, DENMARK
Advertising Agency UNCLE GREY Copenhagen, DENMARK
Name Company Position
Dennis Lynge Unclegrey Design Director
Josephine Winther-poupinel Unclegrey Account Director
Jimmy Blom Unclegrey International Creative Director
Michael Madsen Unclegrey Assistant Designer
Lars Samuelsen Unclegrey Chief Strategy Officer/Head Of Digital
Morten Kristoffersen Advertising Manager
Lars Lyse Hansen Ceo
Katarina Hjarsbæk Marketing Co-ordinator

Brief Explanation is a furniture and design company that has established a position around the concept of a modern and dynamic take on the classic Nordic Design, effectively leveraging the authenticity and heritage that the region has for crafting great pieces of furniture. The brand is targeting a younger and more modern demographic that does not want own the same furniture as they have grown up with in their parents household. They are design savvy, globally oriented and wish to create their own identity through building a creative and unique home that becomes the central expression of their individual style.

The Brief

To emphasize the feeling of quality in the brand the client asked us to produce a visually stunning piece of communication that could be used to get the attention of the following three target groups: 1) Existing very loyal customers (top 20 customers from each store) 2) Bloggers and Instagrammers - targeted with seeding strategy 3) Select design and lifestyle press across Europe The solution was an inspiring and visually enticing coffee-table book that was distributed to the above mentioned target audiences. Because of the success another batch was produced to sell in stores for 30 Euros (they sold out).

How the final design was conceived

The Bolia Brandbook production process entailed 6 weeks of constant shooting on location around Copenhagen, dressing it's most spectacular homes, architectural masterpieces and other interesting venues, with contrasting and contemporary Bolia collections, Each location was treated as a backdrop for an artistic installation to elegantly hold our often surreal interior interpretations. The Interior shots we're supplemented with progressive and modern portraiture with an artistic flair to build an unusual and intriguing lifestyle feel. The comprehensive shoot was collated in a brandbook, designed to reflect the luxurious and modern feel of Bolia, in a hardback coffee table book. The Book is printed on high quality uncoated paper and finished with classic and elegant foil. The result is a visual bombardment, purely bred to inspire an entirely new take on mainstream contemporary interior and furniture design.

Indication of how successful the outcome was in the market

Our ambition with the Bolia 2015 analogue sales collateral, was to take the design and execution to a level far beyond the competitors. The physical material is comprised of a high quality lookbook and catalogue, supplemented by a hard back luxurious and purebred barndbook. Designed to reflect the tactile and detailed quality of Bolias products our mission was elevate the overall aesthetics from traditional furniture lifestyle into a credible and ground breaking fashion execution. Put simply we wanted to create physical sales material that was as desirable than the exquisitely designed products Bolia sell.