Winners & Shortlists


Entrant Company THESE DAYS Y&R Antwerp, BELGIUM
Advertising Agency THESE DAYS Y&R Antwerp, BELGIUM
Production Company EYEWORKS Zaventem, BELGIUM
Name Company Position
Sam De Volder These Days Y&R Executive Creative Director
Mateusz Mroszcak These Days Y&R Creative Director
Annelies Rongé These Days Y&R Art Director
Raf De Smet These Days Y&R Copywriter
Sabrina Jansen These Days Y&R Account Manager
Carla Wauben These Days Y&R Project Manager
Roel Vanderauwera These Days Y&R Project Manager
Jeroen Haijen These Days Y&R Ux Designer
Stijn Van Minnebruggen These Days Y&R Lead Frond/End Developer
Veerle Struyf These Days Y&R Back/End Developer
Michiel Bogaert These Days Y&R Back/End Developer
Olivier Berger These Days Y&R Front/End Developer
Karen Vranken These Days Y&R Senior Designer
Jorian Vanvossel These Days Y&R Content/Social Marketeer
Kathy Van De Gaer These Days Y&R Online Producer
Lieven Eulaers These Days Y&R Online Producer
Tim Kaelen These Days Y&R Online Producer
Gio Canini These Days Y&R Ceo
Peter Bouckaert Eyeworks Ceo
Ans Brugmans Eyeworks Producer

The Brief

50 years after singer Rocco Granata scored a monster hit with the song 'Marina', a movie was created based on his life. The movie had to be named Marina. In the 60's the song was so popular, many parents called their baby daughter Marina. But in the 90's everybody started using the same name to define a trashy bimbo. The name was even included in the dictionary as an insult. To launch the movie and get rid of the negative connotation of it's title we decided to clear the name of 6000 Marinas once and for all.

Creative Execution

To promote the movie we needed to go beyond the classic promotion for movies and find a way to involve the audience emotionally. We targeted all Belgian Marina's as they would have the most involvement and could potentially serve as spokeswomen and create free publicity Almost everyone knows a Marina in their immediate environment (a mother, an aunt, a neighbour). In order reclaim their name, all Marina's would need to involve friends and family as well as their community. While everyone got involved, the movie 'Marina' was freeriding on the PR buzz.

Describe the creative solution to the brief/objective.

To firestart the campaign we addressed all Belgian women named Marina. We asked singer Rocco Granata to write a letter to every single Marina in the country. The letter stated that Marina is a beautiful name and that it deserves to be rehabilitated. Marinas and their families could join the online petition to strike out the name from the dictionary. Moreover we composed a team of Marinas whose objective it was to show the big public the prejudice against someone named Marina was unfair and wrong. Our objective was to raise attention for the name and the movie Marina.


All national newspapers (print/online) gave our Marina's a chance to speak, which enabled us to reach out to 627.053 readers. Our Marina's shared their story on radio during a full 8 minutes prime-time, reaching 1.100.000 listeners. The website hit 50.000 unique visitors. We organized a 15 min. debate on prime-time television about the name Marina. 1/3 of Flemish households (790.641 viewers) saw Marina's debating confidently and intelligently. In the End, the movie was more popular than its blockbuster competitors with over 500.000 visitors, more than doubling the expected 200.000 visitors. The production budget was 12.000€