Winners & Shortlists


Advertising Agency DDB STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN
Media Agency OMD Stockholm, SWEDEN
Name Company Position
Lisa Granberg Ddb Stockholm Art Director
David Alledal Ddb Stockholm Copywriter
Magnus Jakobsson Ddb Stockholm Creative Director
Fredrik Simonsson Ddb Stockholm Creative Director
Cecilia Falk Ddb Stockholm Business Director
Jeanette Ytterman Ddb Stockholm Account Director
Tina Munck DDB Stockholm Account Manager
Steve Wright Ddb Stockholm Planner
Jessica Morales Ddb Stockholm Planner
Patrick Emt DDB Stockholm Graphic Design/Final Art
Matilda Jacobsson Ddb Stockholm Graphic Design/Final Art
Mia Engström Ddb Stockholm Digital Producer
Ddb Film Ddb House Production Company Film
Johan Svensson DDB House Executive Producer
Stefan Falk DDB House Executive Producer
Oscar Wrangö Director
Mattias Rudh Dop
Nielsen Omvik Photographer
Christian Björnerhag DDB Stockholm Retouch Artist

The Campaign

Despite the fact that McDonald’s offers one of the best training programs in the industry, and unemployment rates among Swedish youth are near record high, there
is a general perception that working at McDonald’s is an unskilled job. A last resort for young people who can’t find other employment. But McDonald’s relies on Swedish youth to deliver every aspect of their brand every day, taking care of everything from production to quality, sales, schedules, guest services and finances. The goal with this campaign was to influence Swedish politicians about the alarming situation regarding youth unemployment and to make it into the biggest question in the looming Swedish election. The goal was also to inform the Swedish public about what a McJob is really all about. When Sweden’s Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt literally quoted one of the ads in his keynote speech in Almedalen and when we saw the results of the campaign tests, we knew we had exceeded our goals

The Brief

The goal with this campaign was to influence Swedish politicians about the alarming situation regarding youth unemployment and to make it into the biggest question in the looming Swedish election. The goal was also to inform the Swedish public about what a McJob is really all about.


• Better impression of the brand - from 17% to 45% • Liking - from 17% to 40% • A social responsible company - from 21% to 54% • Intention to visit McDonald’s – from 16% to 24% And of course, when Sweden’s Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt literally quoted one of the ads in his keynote speech in Almedalen.


The campaign went on national television and in cinemas all round Sweden. It was a national outdoor campaign and print ads in Sweden’s biggest newspapers. The campaign was also shown in restaurants on lobby screens, cash registers etc. A lot of work was put on PR and one of the outcomes was when Sweden’s Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt literally quoted one of the ads in his keynote speech in Almedalen. There he referred to McDonald's as a company taking responsibility for Sweden's youth.

The Situation

Youth unemployment in Sweden is very high. In 2012 it was 27.4% which is one of the highest rates in Europe. This is an issue that should be on top of the political agenda. But it’s not. As one of Sweden's largest private youth employer McDonald's plays a vital role in creating thousands of jobs each year. Yet the general public think of it as a McJob.

The Strategy

The strategy is based on all the prejudices that the public has about McDonald's. We chose to put a bias in direct relation to the facts. After all, it is mostly young people who work at McDonald's. But, they actually have the responsibility to deliver every aspect of the brand, every day. You could actually say that McDonald's put their entire business in the hands of their young employees. It’s about time we tell people that.