Advertising Agency
Media Agency
Yossi Lubaton
Baumann Ber Rivnay Saatchi/Saatchi
Nadav Pressman
Baumann Ber Rivnay Saatchi/Saatchi
V.p Creative Director
Amir Ariely
Baumann Ber Rivnay Saatchi/Saatchi
Creative Director
Dorit Gvili
Baumann Ber Rivnay Saatchi/Saatchi
V.p Production/Content
Bosmat Marmarely
Baumann Ber Rivnay Saatchi/Saatchi
Agency Producer
Yuval Zukerman
Baumann Ber Rivnay Saatchi/Saatchi
Art Director
Dima Kogan
Baumann Ber Rivnay Saatchi/Saatchi
Art Director
Orit Bar Niv
Baumann Ber Rivnay Saatchi/Saatchi
Noa Sharf
Baumann Ber Rivnay Saatchi/Saatchi
Account Executive
Tal Glantz
Baumann Ber Rivnay Saatchi/Saatchi
Account Manager
The Campaign
In 2014 war broke out in Gaza and Israel. It was bloody and sent all sides into an escalating and hopeless spiral of violence which seemed to have no end. Hatred was everywhere. This was especially hard on "The Parent's Forum" - a group of 600 families who lost a loved one to the conflict. They wanted to sound a different voice. But how do you change the narrative and spread a message of peace in times of war?
Like the age old saying goes: "If you can't beat them, join them".
To change the conversation we needed to be admitted into the conversation.
So we disguised our message into one of hatred - (A powerful carrier) - and let it loose.
Our message spread like wildfire. Not just in the Israeli press.But worldwide. To both sides.
It got reactions from people all around the Globe: some skeptic. others supportive.
Our call became the most viewed and shared video in Israel and in Gaza (#1 YouTube)
- rivaling videos by some of Israel's more right-wing politicians.
But most importantly,it became the rallying call for the pro-solution movement
opening two big peace rallies in the midst of the war
and installing a tent where people gathered to talk.
It sounded a bell to find a solution. To talk. To negotiate & end hatred.
Because the Forum doesn't want any new members
and if those most hurt by the conflict can sit together and forgive
There is hope. For Peace.
The Brief
But how do you change the narrative?
How do you spread a message of peace in times of war?
How do you get people talking? Listening?
How do you influence the policy makers and decision takers?
How do you explain that hatred takes a very real toll on life?
How do you explain that peace is the better option for both camps?
Our message was timely and spread like wildfire.
It reached millions of people and was covered by the most influential news channels in Israel and abroad: BBC, CNN, HuffingtonPost, TheGuardian, Euronews, Haaretz, Times of Israel, Al Jazeera, and more
It got reactions from people all around the Globe: some skeptic. others supportive.
It became the most viewed and shared video in Israel and in Gaza (#1 YouTube)
It struck a chord with political organizations worldwide
But most importantly,it became the rallying call for the pro-solution movement
opening two big peace rallies in the midst of the war
and installing a tent where people gathered to talk.
It sounded a bell to find a solution. To talk. To negotiate & end hatred.
Because the Forum doesn't want any new members
and if those most hurt by the conflict can sit together and forgive
There is hope. For Peace.
On July 17th 2014 - the second day of the war - we aired our message on Israel's two television commercial channels and sent it off to friends and supporters via social networks.
Our message was single minded: "We don't want you here"
A message that seemed not only harsh, hurtful and insensitive but even borderline racist -
especially when coming from Israelis and Palestinians who have been at each others throats for so long.
The campaign's true meaning however was revealed at the end.
Each of the people portrayed in the commercial lost a loved one to the conflict.
They personally experienced the cost of continued conflict and do not want any more people to join their exclusive and tragic club of victims.
They advocate for Peace.
The Situation
In July 2014 war broke out in Gaza and Israel. It was bloody and sent all sides into an escalating and hopeless spiral of violence which seemed to have no end. Hatred was everywhere. This was especially hard on "The Parent's Forum" - a group of 600 families who lost a loved one to the conflict. They wanted to sound a different voice.
The Strategy
Considering the ever more inflammatory content circling the web at the time,
airing a straightforward message of peace wasn't an option.
A message of peace delivered in "plain clothes" would have gone unnoticed.
It would have been ridiculed before even playing out.
It would have died an instant death.
To change the conversation we needed to be admitted into the conversation.
So we decided that "if we couldn't beat them, we'd join them"
and disguised our message into one of hatred - (A powerful carrier).