Bronze Eurobest

Case Film

Presentation Image

Category B02. Use of Mobile Marketing
Entrant Company FORSMAN & BODENFORS Gothenburg, SWEDEN
Advertising Agency FORSMAN & BODENFORS Gothenburg, SWEDEN
Media Agency OMD Stockholm, SWEDEN
Production Company BACON FILM Stockholm, SWEDEN
Production Company 2 STARCUT Helsinki, FINLAND
Name Company Position
Maria Bergkvist Forsman/Bodenfors Account Supervisor
Kristina Wilmar/Joachim Levin Forsman/Bodenfors Account Manager
Samuel Åkesson Forsman/Bodenfors Account Director
Joakim Labraaten Forsman/Bodenfors Copywriter
Johan Fredriksson Forsman/Bodenfors Designer
Lars Friberg Forsman/Bodenfors Planner
Magnus Kennhed Forsman/Bodenfors Agency Producer
Andreas Johansson Forsman/Bodenfors Digital Producer
Stopp - Post Production
Tarik Saleh Bacon STH Director
Sophie Hedberg Bacon STH Producer
Krister Linder Music Music
Ylva Axell/Magnus Theorin Bacon STH Executive Producer
Fredrik Wenzel Bacon STH Editor
Mikko Sairanen Starcut Head of Development
Pierre Leonard/Jonne Jyrylä Starcut Senior Developer
Otavio Lima Starcut iOS Developer
Kimmo Myllyoja Starcut Android Developer
Mikael Hellman If Insurance Advertisers Supervisor
Stopp Stopp Postproduction
Fredrik Wenzel D.O.P

Brief Explanation

This entry is relevant to the Direct Marketing category for two central reasons. It’s built on a solution that not only requires a direct response in terms of sought effect from the communication ¬– i.e. downloading and using an app (a clear call-to-action), it also has an extended feature making it possible to create multiple direct responses while using the app. (The behavior we are seeking to generate happens while using our communicative tool.) The problem that our solution tries to solve, which is getting people to drive according to speed limits, is a problem that commands a direct response from the target audience if there are to be any true effects. Our app is designed to do just that. And by inviting people to contribute with geographical data of areas where they felt a child’s voice should be activated, people had a direct impact on the development of the application.

Creative Execution

Insurance rarely catches people’s interest. Therefore, our solution was relevant to If since it was a way of creating brand liking – the most instrumental factor when choosing insurance; we made communication revolving around something people truly care about. At the same time, it was a true contribution to solve the problem of speeding in child-dense areas. Slow Down GPS was communicated through broad media, and PR was also an integral part of the campaign. The message about the underlying problem was clear and all units included a call-to-action (download Slow Down GPS). Campaign launch was carefully chosen to the time of school start after summer holidays. In the first version, locations for all schools and daycare centers in the Nordic region had been added to the app. Through crowdsourcing on If’s website, people were also able to suggest more locations where the voice should switch to a child’s voice.


Insurance rarely catches people’s interest. Therefore, our solution was relevant to If since it was a way of creating brand liking – the most instrumental factor when choosing insurance; we made communication revolving around something people truly care about. At the same time, it was a true contribution to solve the problem of speeding in child-dense areas. Slow Down GPS was communicated through broad media, and PR was also an integral part of the campaign. The message about the underlying problem was clear and all units included a call-to-action (download Slow Down GPS). Campaign launch was carefully chosen to the time of school start after summer holidays. In the first version, locations for all schools and daycare centers in the Nordic region had been added to the app. Through crowdsourcing on If’s website, people were also able to suggest more locations where the voice should switch to a child’s voice.