Silver Eurobest

Case Film

Presentation Image

Category A05. Direct Response Print or Standard Outdoor, including Inserts
Advertising Agency WUNDERMAN London, UNITED KINGDOM
Name Company Position
Evan Jones Wunderman Art Director
Stefanie Digianvincenzo Wunderman Copywriter
Kevin Guild Wunderman Artworker
Kiran Mudhar Wunderman Account Director
Courtney Bain Wunderman Account Director
Anna-Maria Teemant Wunderman Account Executive
Annie Gass Wunderman Senior Strategist

Brief Explanation

Instead of telling our audience what to look for, we let them experience it for themselves. Featuring four real-life Retinoblastoma survivors, we created a series of mobile-activated posters that encouraged people to take a flash photo of them and see for themselves how eye cancer appears in real life. The child’s eye looked normal on the poster, but an innovative, reflective ink containing particles of silver made the pupil appear white in the flash photo: the tell-tale sign of eye cancer. Thousands of posters were distributed to nurseries and surgeries across London and the pediatric section of major UK hospitals to reach parents of young children and professionals, like doctors, nurses and nannies, many of whom had little or no understanding of Retinoblastoma. We also created an online demonstration film, to extend the reach of our campaign, featuring our survivors, all of whom had been diagnosed thanks to flash photography.

Creative Execution

With no budget whatsoever, our only shot at gaining the awareness and action we needed was with a newsworthy story about a truly innovative, differentiating and life-changing use of tech. That’s what we aspired to, and that’s exactly what we achieved. This was a true first. While smartphone’s can do a lot these days – from keeping us fit to filling in time – never before has mobile been used as a medical tool for the detection of cancer. The campaign was picked up in mainstream, medical, tech and parenting press – spreading our message to over 69 million people.


• 69 million people educated about detecting the early signs of Retinoblastoma. • 200K organic shares on social channels. • 1 million views on YouTube – without any paid seeding. • Website traffic increased by 63%. • 40% increase in traffic accessed on a mobile. • Social traffic nearly doubled – with a much wider spread of referrers compared to the same period last year.