Category B05. Use of Music Streaming Platform/Video Hosting Service/App
Name Company Position
Tim Driesen Famous Creative Director
Katrien Bottez FamousGrey Executive Creative Director
Laurent Dochy FamousGrey Creative Director
Iwein Vandevyver FamousGrey Creative Director
Tom Jacobs FamousGrey Creative
Bart De Bock FamousGrey Project Manager
Miet Lust FamousGrey Brand Manager
Bert Vermeire FamousGrey Developer
David Viaene FamousGrey Developer
Laurens Groven FamousGrey Webdesigner
Tessa Persoons FamousGrey Graphic Designer
Floris De Rycker Klara Music Editor
Vincent Goris Klara Music Editor
Tom Van de Goor Klara Audio Librarian VRT
Marc Weyts Klara Producer
Chantal Pattyn Klara Head of channel Klara
Els Lagrou Klara Marketing Manager
Els De Baets Klara Business Coördinator
Ellen Moriau Klara Marketing Producer

The Campaign

Existing recommendation tools like Itunes or Amazon give you more of the same (“people who bought this also bought this”). Klarafy helps you to break out of this ‘filter bubble’. Instead of confirming people’s taste, and keeping them in their ‘taste bubble’, we use data to burst out of this and discover new music. We developed Klarafy, a tool to help listeners find classical music that alignes with their tastes in modern music. By focusing on what classical music has in common with their own favourite music, people felt more confident to set their first steps in the world of classical music. Our tool translates your music taste into classical music by anticipating what you will like. Line up a Spotify playlist with your favourite songs, genre immaterial, and Klarafy then chose classical music that corresponds and explains why you might like the recommended pieces.

Creative Execution

Please try it yourself on: http://klarafy.klara.be/en Just connect to your Spotify account and choose one of your playlists. Then our tool scans your playlist and translates your music taste into classical music. Klarafy searches affinities, similarities or connections based on 3 criteria: the prevailing music genre in your playlist, the overruling mood and specific topics (vocal types, instruments, specific songs, ...) The easy part was tracking your personal musical taste. Therefore, we scanned your Spotify playlist with existing open source technology. The tricky part was to build an engine that matches your music with corresponding classical music. As this wasn't a matter of beats per minutes or algorithms, we took the machine out of the recommendation and replaced it by the human touch. A team of musicologists and music curators worked for months mapping and categorising thousands of pieces of music to gather meaningful musical connections and surprising insights.

The Klarafy banner on Spotify had a click-trough rate of 6 times the Spotify benchmark. After the launch, the amount of Spotify users listening to classical music almost doubled: an increase of 82,6%. Also the genre as such increased by 71,8% on Spotify. Klarafy reached a younger & broader audience. Before the launch, the average Spotify user who listens to classical music was 53yo. Afterwards, the average age dropped by 10 years. The average Klara listener: around 56yo, and female. The average Klarafy user is 33yo and 61% of them are men. 140.464 website visits and more than 60.000 Klarafied playlists. € 580.000 earned media value. Including: the national tv news, the major radio stations and our most popular talk show. Belgium's most popular radio station, Radio2, offered Klarafy a weekly item. Due to the succes, Klara is developing a educational tour for schools based on our tool.

The biggest barrier for a classical radio station is their core product itself: classical music. Most people simply have lost the connection to this rich heritage. That's a pity, as almost all music of today (RnB, hiphop, pop, rock, dance, edm, ... ) is rooted in classical music. That's why we focused on what people's favourite music has in common with classical music. By starting from music people were familiar with, we lowered the threshold for classical music. Data made classical music advice scalable. By enriching Spotify-data with human insights, our tool can give the right advice, to anyone, anytime.

Our goal: give people without any knowledge about classical music a starting point. Our insight: "we don't know which classical music you might like. But we do know which music you already love." We choose to focus on Spotify users: they already love music and via Spotify's gigantic database, they could hear the recommend pieces immediately. By starting from the music people were familiar with, Klarafy lowered the threshold for classical music. Furthermore, we felt the "why" was absolutely crucial. So every recommended composition came with a clear explanation on the connection to their own music. As opposed to existing recommendation tools (that give you more of the same), Klarafy helps you to break out of the ‘filter bubble’ and lets you discover new music. Compare Klarafy to a music expert who sifts through your music collection and bases his recommendations on the real you.