Product/ServicePOLO R-WCR
Category A05. Cars & Automotive Products & Services
Entrant DDB Milan, ITALY
Idea Creation DDB Milan, ITALY
Name Company Position
Aurelio Tortelli DDB Italy Executive Creative Director
Gabriele Goffredo DDB Italy Creative Director
Maurizio Tozzini DDB Italy Creative Director
Luca Santina DDB Italy Art Director
Ferdinando Guadalupi DDB Italy Copywriter
Giuseppina Sabbarese DDB Italy Copywriter
Sonia Magri DDB Italy Client Service Director
Thorsten Herken --- Director
Peter Riis --- Director of Photography

Brief Explanation

The 30-sec. TV commercial shows a parallel between the Polo R WRC and the marketed road car. In fact, both cars have a navigator: on one side it’s the co-pilot, on the other the the App-Connect system. So what if the co-pilot of the three-time world rally champion Polo could do the same things the everyday Polo can do? That’s why we see the “human navigator” trying to simulate the technological device: reading messages, providing information about places on the way and even singing and playing songs. That brings us to the conclusion that the road Polo, thanks to its App-Connect, is the perfect companion for the everyday life.