Category B04. Travel, Leisure, Retail, Restaurants & Fast Food Chains
Idea Creation KOLLE REBBE Hamburg, GERMANY
Production CZAR Berlin, GERMANY
Additional Company LOFT TONSTUDIOS Berlin, GERMANY
Name Company Position
Fabian Frese Kolle Rebbe GmbH Chief Creative Officer
Christian Kroll Kolle Rebbe GmbH Group Creative Director
Oleg Friesen Kolle Rebbe GmbH Creative Director
Stefan Wübbe Kolle Rebbe GmbH Chief Creative Officer
Sandra Vetter Kolle Rebbe GmbH Account Manager
Nina Offermann Kolle Rebbe GmbH Agency Producer
Thorne Mutert CZAR Film GmbH Producer
Martin Werner CZAR Film GmbH Director
Christopher Manz CZAR Film GmbH Production Management
Jakob Ihre CZAR Film GmbH DoP
Olivier Bugge Couté CZAR Film GmbH Film Editor
David Arnold Loft Studios Berlin Sound Engineer

Brief Explanation

In the wake of the European Championships 2016 the German airline „Lufthansa“ asked us to create a campaign to promote them as the official carrier of the German National Football Team. In the commercial two English football fans get rebooked on a Lufthansa flight. A nightmare for every English football fan begins: cuckoo clocks, sauerkraut, bratwurst, frightening flight attendants and on-board entertainment showing Germany beating England in the famous penalty shootout at the 1996 European Championship. In the end everything´s fine for them – except for a little German boy proudly showing them four fingers to remind them of Germany´s four glorious world cup titles... In May alone, the commercial collected more than 8.5.mio views in social media (ranked No 5 of the most watched ads worldwide by Adweek + Google this month) and was featured in all big blogs and newspapers such as „Guardian,“ „Daily Mail,“ „Sun“ and „Bild.“