Category A09. Financial Products & Services
Entrant TRY Oslo, NORWAY
Idea Creation TRY Oslo, NORWAY
Production BACON OSLO Oslo, NORWAY
Name Company Position
Lars Joachim Grimstad TRY Copywriter
Sara Hødnebø TRY Art Director
Martin de Thurah Bacon Director
Magne Lyngner Bacon Producer
Camilla von Borcke TRY Project Manager
Pia Svärd DNB Client
Caroline Ekrem TRY Copywriter
Arne Eggen TRY Account Director
Egil Pay TRY Art Director
Aina Lemoen Lunde DNB Client

Brief Explanation

An elderly couple go into a shop to make a purchase and are nervously anticipating something. As their MasterCard-transaction goes through, the awaited event starts happening - they sprout wings. The pair stumble out of the store as their huge wings begin to knock products off shelves. From a hillside they finally get to fly away with their suitcase in heir hands.