Category B13. Not-for-profit / Charity /Government
Entrant ICF MOSTRA Brussels, BELGIUM
Idea Creation ICF MOSTRA Brussels, BELGIUM
Production ICF MOSTRA Brussels, BELGIUM
Production 2 CAVIAR Brussels, BELGIUM
Name Company Position
Babak Hosseiny ICF Mostra Executive Creative Director
Philippe Thito ICF Mostra Associate Creative Director
Stephanie Deleuze ICF Mostra Executive Agency Producer
Werner de Coninck CaviarTV Producer

Write a short summary of what happens in the film

Ivan is a gay teen in rural Croatia. When he's not tending to his father’s cows, he is the star striker of the local football team, and he is harboring a crush on one of his teammates, Marko. When a scout visits the football team in search of new talent, Ivan scores a goal and Marko embraces him in celebration. Ivan, without thinking, kisses his teammate. When he realizes what he has done, Ivan backs away from the startled Marko and runs back to the farm. Sitting in the barn, with only the cows for company, Ivan hears approaching footsteps and turns to look. Marko and the other boys from the football team come in, smiling. They throw Ivan the football as a gesture of acceptance and understanding. They exit the darkness of the barn. As the boys start playing in the snow, the sun pierces through the morning mist.

Cultural/Context information for the jury

"Debut" highlights the right to live without discrimination, enshrined in art.21 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. In the European Union it is prohibited to discriminate on the basis of sex, race, colour, ethnic origin, genetic features, language, belief, political opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation. It is one of a series of short films realized for the European Commission as part of the #EUandME campaign. The aim of the campaign is to highlight the benefits of the EU and begin a conversation with Millennials about the future of Europe. Each film tells an emotional story of how the EU has empowered young people, representing the values and freedoms that make Europe special.