Product/ServiceMINI (BRAND)
Category B04. Mobile Games
Entrant INGO Stockholm, SWEDEN
Idea Creation INGO Stockholm, SWEDEN
Production INGO Stockholm, SWEDEN
Name Company Position
Björn Ståhl INGO Sthlm ECD
Rasmus Andersson INGO Sthlm Copywriter
Max Hultberg INGO Sthlm Art Director
Stefan Kindgren INGO Sthlm Digital Creative Developer
Anna Odengard INGO Sthlm Account Manager


Usually you have to go far away from city to test drive a car. With this billboard campaign we gave everyone with a smartphone a direct way to try out the new Plug-In Hybrid. Of course, in a MINI kind of way.

Describe the creative idea

A billboard campaign was launched in Stockholm city with printed race tracks. Inspired from the scalextric racing game we made a similar game in augmented reality. By blending your smartphone with the racing track you could test drive a 3D MINI Plug-In Hybrid right on the billboard. Perfect for killing time while waiting for the second best way of commuting.

Describe the strategy

Highlight that MINI is a great car for driving in the city. And get people to test drive the new Plug-In Hybrid by letting them experience a MINI test drive.

Describe the execution

The billboard campaign was live around 4 weeks in Stockholm city. We printed a race track on the billboard and build an app for any smartphone. The app recognized the race track by pointing you camera at the race track and landed a 3D MINI on the start line. You used a controller in the app to control the car. Every lap was timed and you could brag about your skills in social media. After the race was done you got an offer to book a test drive at your closest delar ship store.

List the results

Thousands of people enjoyed our AR-game while waiting for the bus. The actual test drives increased with 70,5 % compared to the month before.