Category A08. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) / Corporate Image
Entrant SMFB Oslo, NORWAY
Idea Creation SMFB Oslo, NORWAY
Name Company Position
alexander gjersoe SMFB creative
hans magne ekre SMFB creative
Torstein Drogseth SMFB Account Director
line Smestad smfb Content Manager
Mari Jacobsen SMFB Account Manager
Francesca Miani SMFB Designer
Erik Johnsen OBHF Director
Mone Mikkelsen OBHF Producer
Mikkel Saghus SMFB motion graphics designer


Kvikk Lunch is a chocolate holding a unique position in Norway. It was launched as a snack to bring on skiing and hiking trips in 1937, a position that was immediately embraced by a large part of the population and never since contested. Our challenge is to cultivate this position and stay relevant. Many of Norway´s mountain trails are extremely popular and visited by thousands of people every year, all year round. It might seem obvious that one shouldn't leave garbage behind, but people are different, and litter tend to pile up, even in the most beautiful trails.

Describe the strategy

Since our brand profits from Norway´s unique nature, we wanted to do an awareness campaign, reminding people to bring their waste home from hiking trips, and keep the nature clean. But these days, green awareness campaigns are almost as plentiful as waste paper, so we had to do a twist. Many people in Norway bring their dogs on hiking trips, so we partnered with Norway's most famous dog trainer, who trained one of her puppies named Annie to pick plastic waste in nature.

Describe the execution

We made lots of little story snippets ranging from the start of Annies training, all the way till she became Norway´s first professional plastic collector. The content ran as ads on Instagram and Facebook, and the story of Annie was quickly embraced by nature lovers and dog lovers all over the country.

List the results

The campaign made a huge impact, with the story of Annie spreading across social media. The campaign had no sales-goals, but we were able to raise awareness of the fact that Kvikk Lunsj takes social responsibility, and at the same time connecting the brand even closer to nature. Luckily, in spite of being off-season (Kvikk Lunsj sells best during winter when we goin skiing), we increased the products market share with 1,2% - in tough competition. Not bad for a dog!