Category E03. Print & Publishing
Entrant GARANT Stockholm, SWEDEN
Idea Creation NORD DDB Stockholm, SWEDEN
Production NORD DDB Stockholm, SWEDEN
Name Company Position
Frida Siversen Ljung NORD DDB Stockholm Senior Copywriter
Daniel Mencák NORD DDB Stockholm Senior Art Director
Edith Sundberg NORD DDB Stockholm Graphic Designer
Linda Weissman NORD DDB Stockholm Graphic Designer
Jennie Körnung NORD DDB Stockholm Client Director
Beata Mollberg Fagring NORD DDB Stockholm Client Manager
Andreas Dahlqvist NORD DDB Stockholm CEO

Cultural / Context information for the jury

This is a translation so please note that in Swedish the actual word for creating foam is to SKIM. It also has the meaning of reading something hastily (just like in English), which is the point of this ad. Because we all now that very few people are interested in a brands story about a new product. Even fewer are interested in reading long ads... Therefore we created a solution where you could get the products' most important attribute without reading the whole thing.

Translation. Provide a full English translation of any text.

Just when the kernel is ripe but the stem is still a bit green. That’s the time to harvest if you want the very finest oats. This is a very short phase, and it appears both sudden and unexpected. Kind of like a bus on time! It happens mostly in august, but since nature has got laws but no rules it’s not guaranteed. In a thin slice of time like this, the story of our new oat milk begins. Well, we acctually need to rewind the tape about three years, because just like with every new product we at Garant take some serious time. Not because we are a particularly slow as people. Neither are we the weird kind of folks that enjoy having long meetings without agenda. Nope, we take our time for one pretty good reason: every product must meet our a high quality-guarantee. Otherwise we could really just change our name to Anti-Garant. A horrible name for a brand, so we choose this long and gnarly route instead. Anyway, we started off by finding the very finest oats. Then we brought it to Sweden where everything is made. And the process of developing the perfect recipe began… The consistency part took ages. Historical ages! When the sweetness was right the thickness was wrong. But after adjusting, it all became too bland. And so it went, on and off. The Stone age became the Iron age. But finally, the balance was right and the drink was a home run. And we could proudly apply our logo (also seen on the second page in this ad, kind of nice huh?). But then we needed to name it. Not a pretty picture. There were no cinematic qualities at all: First of all it was a Tuesday. Suggestions of quirky names were put up on a wall with post-its in garish colours. After a while, everyone got headaches from all the colours, so we tore down the notes and asked an employee from the IT-department instead. Her suggestion was simply ”Barista”. And we were like: yeah, fine. It’s made to go very well with coffee, so why not. Barista is also 100% vegan, even though you don’t have to be one. What you choose to eat is not our business whatsoever! Even though we have a range of vegan products that is constantly growing. And sure, that might read as a lame ass joke – but it’s a fully correct statement. We have 24 vegan choices on the shelves and more are to come! Vegetarian choices? We have more than plenty. Just like we have loads of sausages, steaks and charcuteries. But sometimes, one might be in the mood for trying some new alternatives for protein! And if you do, you must not fear packages labelled with the ”v-words”. Unfortunately, some people do. Our suggestion for that is to simply close your eyes while grabbing the package and slowly placing it in your cart. When you later unpack at home you might notice our crispy kale burgers? Another great rookie item is our falafel made with cumin and parsley. And we are also proud parents to a vegan béarnaise sauce! Oh sorry this was supposed to be about oat milk. What else, well the shelf life is a truly great USP (which is short for Unique Selling Point and is an international marketing term). You can actually store your Baristas directly in your pantry at room temperature – for over a full year! (The same goes for those boxes of processed cheese with shrimp, one of the last great mysteries of the world.) Even though it is made to go with coffee drinks, you can of course enjoy the Barista straight as well. From the box, if you’re more of the rustic type. The gourmet persona might prefer an elegant balloon glass? If you don’t like being labelled as a type like this, use something that YOU are comfortable with! Oat milks can also be kind of pricy. Not this one. But there is a “but”. Because when things are kind of cheap, it is very easy for skeptical feelings to occur. As humans, we begin to wonder and ponder, twist and turn looking for a trick or short cut. And hear us out: this scepticism is great. It is even necessary for our survival. But some people will surely believe that our oat milk is not as great as others. Like those with the quirky names. But we tore down those stupid post-its. We were fine with the decent Barista! Instead, we took twelve seasons to develop the most creamy, tasty oat milk we could find. And that drink is now available to you at your nearest Hemköp-store. Last tip: if you want to prepare it just like a ”genuin barista”, do us a favour and skip the dramatic gestures. They are often very funny but they might lead to a disaster close to hot liquids. Just heat the drink up in a saucepan at low temperature, whisk it into a froth just before it begins to simmer. If this feels to complicated, simply shake the box! Probably the easiest way there is to skim.

Tell the jury about the copywriting.

This idea is based on telling a way too long story. So copy-wise it was a challenge to stretch it (because its the absolute opposite of our nature!). Starting from the ingredient growing in soil, with way too many details and kind of weird sidings... But just because it was too long it did not need to be boring. But with some good old storytelling and wit - so it would be entertaining for the interested few!