Brand | NN BELGIUM |
Category |
B04. Use of Ambient Media: Small Scale |
Idea Creation
Media Placement
Karlien Van Herck |
NN Belgium |
Client |
Izzy Van Aelst |
NN Belgium |
Client |
Manuel Ostyn |
Wunderman Thompson |
Creative Director |
Pieter Staes |
Wunderman Thompson |
Creative Director |
Jolien Tuyteleers |
Wunderman Thompson |
Creative |
Kate Bellefroid |
Wunderman Thompson |
Creative |
Tine Sinnaeve |
Wunderman Thompson |
Long Copywriter |
Joeri Quinet |
Wunderman Thompson |
Long Copywriter |
Stephanie Katic |
Wunderman Thompson |
Account Director |
Sarah Savoir |
Wunderman Thompson |
Account Manager |
Hanne 't Kindt |
Wunderman Thompson |
Account Executive |
Jet Vervenne |
Wunderman Thompson |
Account Manager |
Dimitri De Lauw |
Wunderman Thompson |
Strategy |
Sébastien Greffe |
Wunderman Thompson |
Designer |
Inge Vanhees |
Wunderman Thompson |
Designer |
Kenny Smet |
Wunderman Thompson |
Designer |
Virginie Rosseel |
Wunderman Thompson |
Designer |
Charlotte Slegers |
Wunderman Thompson |
Designer |
Nathalie Wlostowski |
Wunderman Thompson |
Designer |
Anja Van den Broeck |
Wunderman Thompson |
Desktop Publisher |
Ingeborg Van Hoof |
Wunderman Thompson |
Producer |
Jonathan Kauffman |
Wunderman Thompson |
Producer |
Sofie Verschaeren |
Wunderman Thompson |
Agency Producer |
Pieter Neirynck |
Wunderman Thompson |
Freelance |
Menno Van Riet |
Wunderman Thompson |
Sound Engineer |
Karel Van Gucht |
Wunderman Thompson |
Editor |
Mikael Naudet |
Wunderman Thompson |
Editor |
Bert Kruismans |
Uitgeverij Vrijdag |
Writer |
Guido Eekhaut |
Uitgeverij Vrijdag |
Writer |
Isabelle Wéry |
Uitgeverij Vrijdag |
Writer |
Why is this work relevant for Media?
Insurance company NN wanted to promote its ‘Lifelong Income’ pension plan. Because people often postpone thinking about the distant future, we disguised the message as a fairy tale book.
In “Did They Live Happily Ever After?” 3 famous writers created the sequels to Snow White, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty. While discovering what actually happened after the famous happily ever after, people spontaneously reflected on their own pension.
2.500 books were released. NN brokers used Golden editions as a sales tool. An online pension test gave people access to the e-book. All this resulted in +170% more traffic to Lifelong Income.
People want a carefree pension. Despite the fact that there is no confidence in the government to ensure a comfortable statutory pension, few Belgians take action to work on a comfortable pension themselves. However, insurance company NN has quite a few options to do that, including its retirement plan called 'lifelong income'.
The main objective for this campaign was therefore to make our target audience think about their pension and at the same time promote its ‘Lifelong Income’ pension plan.
Describe the creative idea / insights (30% of vote)
We all dream of a long and happy life. But will your pension become a fairy tale? Each fairy tale ends with the words ""... and they lived happily ever after"". But how long and happy is that? To make people think about their future in a fun way, we used this creative insight and disguised our message as a fairy tale book.
In “Did They Live Happily Ever After?” 3 famous writers created the sequels to Snow White, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty. The design of the book looked exactly like children's fairy tale books. Funny elements made people curious about the new-written stories. While discovering what actually happened after the ‘happily ever after’, people were influenced to reflect on their own pension.
Describe the strategy (20% of vote)
Research from the National Pension Survey shows that our target audience dreams of a pension where there is enough time and space to travel, for family and for hobbies. The time when grandmas and grandpas sat on the couch all day is past: going on trips, discovering new hobbies, going to concerts ... They want a carefree pension. At the same time, they know that a statutory pension will probably not be enough to achieve that. Still, people postpone thinking about the subject, because retirement seems so far away. Barely 11% of Belgians make proper financial preparations for their retirement.
With this unique fairytale book, NN wants to bridge expectations and reality. The book has a clear mission: to make people think in a fun and unexpected way about their pension and about what a longer and happy life could mean.
Describe the execution (20% of vote)
2.500 books were presented in book stores, e-shops and at the Belgian book fair. The design looked exactly like classic fairy tale books. Funny elements made people curious about the new-written stories. Golden limited editions were crafted for NN brokers to use as a sales tool. The last page was an ad for Lifelong Income encouraging everyone to take a look at nn.be.
The campaign was supported on digital. Excerpts from the book were read by storytellers on social media and other fairytale characters shared their funny review of the book. An online pension test gave people free access to the e-book.
List the results (30% of vote)
+170% more traffic to Lifelong Income