Category A05. Consumer Services / Business to Business
Entrant BÅDE Oslo, NORWAY
Idea Creation NUCLEUS Oslo, NORWAY
Idea Creation 2 NUCLEUS Oslo, NORWAY
Production BÅDE Oslo, NORWAY
Post Production BÅDE Oslo, NORWAY
Name Company Position
Kyrre Edquist-Hansen Nucleus AS Account Manager
Atle Hommersand Nucleus AS Communications Manager
Anette Jamtvedt Nucelus Communications Manager
Jan-Sverre Syvertsen Nucleus AS communications Manager
Mah-Rukh Ali Nucleus AS Communications Manager
Cathrine Hofland Nucleus AS Digital Creative Director
Malin Holter Nucleus AS Digital Creative Director
Mathias Skogsrud Nucleus AS designer
Heidi Elise Ellingsen Nucleus AS Copywriter
Alexaner Balchen Både Og AS Producer
Øystein Haare Både Og AS Producer
Lars-Olav Seim Både Og AS Producer
Ola-Per Ekblom Både Og AS Managing Director
Eskil Paus Både Og AS Creative Director
Magnus Andersen Både Og AS Sound Engineer
Christian Siebenherz Både Og AS Editor
Andres Heger-Bratterud Både Og AS Director
Joachim Sandvik Både Og AS Sound Engineer
Mie Sten Både Og AS Casting
Jens Ramborg Både Og AS Photographer
Didrik Brathen Både Og AS colourist
Erik Settemsdal Både Og AS Set manager

Write a short summary of what happens in the film

We follow a team for workers in the industrial group, Aker Solutions, that is trying to find a new solution for capturing carbon. They are in trouble, can't find the solution. A slam poet starts talking over the movie about challenges and not giving up. The team is spread all around the world, and communicates via phones and screens. Suddenly on of them have an idea, one thing inspires the other, and the movie ends optimistic, there is hope. Aker Solutions is ready for a new future.

Cultural / Context information for the jury

The film is meant to reach out to both national and international audience, using scenes from different countries and the English slam poet, Sophia Thakur, to do the voice over part in her own words.