Product/ServiceCAR, SMALL REPAIR
Category G02. Challenger Brand
Entrant BÅDE Oslo, NORWAY
Idea Creation BÅDE Oslo, NORWAY
Production BÅDE Oslo, NORWAY
Post Production BÅDE Oslo, NORWAY
Name Company Position
Eskil Paus Både Og AS Copywriter
Øystein Haare Både Og AS Producer
Lars-Olav Seim Både Og AS Producer
Ola-Per Ekblom Både Og AS Boss
Alex Herron Både Og AS Film Director
Jens Ramborg Både Og AS Photographer
Joachim Sandvik Både Og AS Sound Engineer
Magnus Andersen Både Og AS Sound Engineer

Write a short summary of what happens in the film

Film 1: We see a couple on a pier holding each other. They are obviously a couple. A voice over tells us that he has had a relationship with those to for a long while now. The camera pans backwards, steady steady, and we see an old car, but fresh. The voice over is the voice of the car, it appears. It tells us about how important it is to take care of each other. Fix things. Like the couple does with the car. At Carys, a car care service in Norway. Film 2: The same idea, but now we see a man in the wood taking pictures, probably a man that likes to be out in the wild. A voice over takes us through the narrative while the camera pans backward and a car appears. Same message: Take care of the things you love. Also nature.

Please tell us about how the work challenged / was different from the brands competitors

All smart car care services in Norway are straight forward old school garages, with oil-spill on the wall, and no style or passion. They just fix your car glass and smaller damages, and that's it. No use in building brands or trying to make strong emotions about the business. So when Cary was launched in 2021 they wanted to do something completely different in the Smart-category (Small Medium Area Repair Technique), stand out and be attractive to everyone who cared about their things... and about each other.