2021 Social & Influencer


Product/ServiceDNB YOUNG
Category B03. Social Data & Insight
Idea Creation TRY REKLAME Oslo, NORWAY
Name Company Position
Marius Aasen TRY Art Director
Susanne Hovda TRY Copywriter
Ingrid Linjordet TRY Project Manager
Trine Olsen TRY Project Manager
Jeppe Gjesti TRY Designer
Arne Eggen TRY Account director
Magnus Snickars TRY Apt Designer
Tommy Lybekk TRY Designer
Elisabeth Søråsen TRY Planner
Nicklas Hellborg TRY Apt Designer
Andreas Vevle TRY Apt Project Manager
Henrik Faltin One Big Happy Family Production manager
Helene Hovda Lunde One big happy family Post producer
Mone Mikkelsen One Big Happy Family Producer
Stian Smestad One big happy family Director
Torben Traaseth Storyline Motion Design

Why is this work relevant for Social & Influencer?

The star of our campaign is Adrian Sellevoll, a Norwegian reality celebrity and influencer. His appearances on shows like Ex On The Beach and Dancing with the stars has made him a mainstream celebrity known for his happy-go-lucky attitude and hedonistic lifestyle. In other words, he is the perfect example of a yolobrain. The multi-channel science project inspired more than 15 % of all young Norwegians to actively participate in our surveys and experiments. Allowing the audience to experience our brand in a whole new way, drove affinity and made DNB the most preferred bank among young Norwegians.


DNB is the largest bank in Norway, but it’s position among young Norwegians has been under attack by other competing banks for several years. As a result, DNB lost it’s position as the most preferred bank for young Norwegians. Our brief was to win back this position in the young target group, and at the same time improve their saving habits. Our objective was to increase downloads of the DNB savings app, to get the target audience to set savings goals and start saving. Our position in the target segment would be measured pre - and post campaign.

Describe the creative idea (30% of vote)

Why is it so hard to generate savings? As it turns out, our brains are at the core of the problem. So with reality star and one of Norway’s most known influencers, Adrian Sellevoll, we invited young Norwegians to a digital and multi-channel science project by the name of YOLOBRAIN. The project aimed to find out why we think short-term with our money, and find out if we could trick our yolobrain's into thinking more long-term. The target audience was activated through tests, experiments, campaign material, surveys in social media and scientific results. We collected everything on our campaign site, where the curious could immerse themselves further, in articles and our very own podcast.

Describe the strategy (20% of vote)

How could we conduct a popular scientific research project in 2020? In social media, of course. Our strategy was to target the social behaviour of young Norwegians, specifically their impulsive spending habits, and the focus on money, fashion and lifestyle in their digital lives. We wanted to ask the right questions, instead of providing all the answers. So we decided to inspire engagement through dialogue and interaction in social media, and communicate with young Norwegians on their own terms, in their own visual language. We gathered data through social media, results from the YOLOBRAIN-test and our experiment, and these results was collected on the website. The target audience were young Norwegians from the age of 18 to 28.

Describe the execution (20% of vote)

The project was launched on TV and social media, with fast-paced visuals and a mixed- media style film, fronted by Norwegian influencer and reality celebrity Adrian Sellevoll, a flying brain and a talking alpaca. Films and tactical ads on youtube, and social media prompted the audience to do a digital test, and find out if they were yolobrains. We then followed up with articles and social media polls, where we retargeted users that were engaged to show them research results. We then created an experiment, to see if we could trick yolobrains into thinking long-term by tempting with something short-term. Or in other words, we gave the audience a free soda if they started saving. And 91% of them did. Further on, we created a podcast where Norwegian celebrities and influencers were invited to discuss their own yolobrains.

List the results (30% of vote)

The campaign inspired our target audience to participate, but the measured results show that the campaign also inspired them to improve their own saving habits. Ultimately leading to a strengthened position for DNB, making them the most preferred bank among young Norwegians. 15% of the target audience actively participated in the scientific research 130.000 unique visitors to the website / 21% of the target audience visited the website dnbung.no 45.000 completed the 27 question test / 7.5% of the target audience completed the 27 question test 40% conversion rate of ads 30% more downloads of the savings app from DNB 30% more savings goals created in the app 91% started to save for something long term after