Category A04. Travel, Leisure, Retail, Restaurants & Fast Food Chains
Entrant HEIMAT Berlin, GERMANY
Idea Creation HEIMAT Berlin, GERMANY
Additional Company LOFT TONSTUDIOS Berlin, GERMANY
Name Company Position
Guido Heffels HEIMAT Berlin Chief Creative Officer
Guido Heffels HEIMAT Berlin Creative Director
Teresa Jung HEIMAT Berlin Creative Director
Tim Holtkötter HEIMAT Berlin Agency Account Supervisor
Franziska Lequen HEIMAT Berlin Agency Account Manager
Jonas von Schwedes HEIMAT Berlin Senior Art Director
Gunther Osburg Gunther Osburg Senior Copywriter
Corbinian Hennies HEIMAT Berlin Senior Copywriter
Marie Legat HEIMAT Berlin Art Director
Kerstin Heffels HEIMAT Berlin Agency Producer
Nico Beyer - Director
Michael Mieke - Director of Photography
Olaf Blecker - Photographer
Juri Wiesner Cobblestone Executive Producer
Simone Eichhorn - Costumes
Nadine Wagner - Mask
Christian Meyer - Music Producer
Andrea Baracca - Grading
David Arnold LOFT Studios Sound Designer
Thomas Schnaitmann Hornbach Client Marketing Director
Julia Ziegelmann Hornbach Client Marketing Director

The Campaign

Famous thinkers, inventors, leaders and a huge percentage of HORNBACH clients have one thing in common: Male pattern baldness. HORNBACH played tribute to this well-known phenomenon, starting by bestowing it with a fitting name: Heldenkranz (which can be translated as Crown Of Glory).


In its TV spot, HORNBACH calls on the "affected" men to wear their Crown Of Glory with pride. And to front this insane world head on with their widening crown. In addition, online and social media were used extensively to activate the campaign, which included compiling user content that was displayed on the daily #Heldenkranz tagboard. Within a week #Heldenkranz became one of the top twitter trends in Germany and the name became part of general German linguistic use.

Within a week #Heldenkranz became one of the top twitter trends in Germany and the name became part of the German language. Additionally, it achieved a huge level of brand engagement. As research shows, during the campaign a 12% increase of brand awareness in comparison to the same time period in previous years was noticed. Men all around Germany celebrated their bald head and posted selfies to show it with pride, which were gathered on a tagboard. A wave of self-believing gripped the country. The campaign’s success is reflected in 2,6 million views 52% of which was gained organically, with a clickrate of 33% (whereas HORNBACHs click rates lie around 19-23%) and over 4000 comments. The relevance of the topic and the orchestration of the different media channels also led to the +10% improved view rate. In total the campaign reached 41, Mio brutto contacts and gained 251.000 social engagements.

The Situation

The male bald patch. Separating the men of merit from the rest. Embodying the spririt of inventiveness, eloquence and skills. In short everything that the german DIY store chain HORNBACH and their customers stand for. A DIY brand pays tribute to the underestimated hairstyle of the DIY enthusiasts.

The Strategy

The European Soccer Championship lures millions in front of the TV. The consequence: High advertising pressure. How can a brand stand out and benefit from its concentrated huge audiences? HORNBACH identified, soccer fans and the HORNBACH target group (36,7%) have one thing in common: Male pattern baldness. The Euro-Soccer Championship was the perfect opportunity for HORNBACH to play tribute to this well-known phenomenon, starting by bestowing it with a fitting name: Heldenkranz (translating as “Crown Of Glory”). In its TV spot, HORNBACH calls on the “affected” men to wear their Crown Of Glory with pride. And to front this insane world head on with their widening crown. In addition, online and social media were used extensively to activate and amplify the campaign - as second screen usage increases notably during sports events. Building on that, user content was collected daily on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and displayed on the #Heldenkranz tagboard.