2016 Promo & Activation


Category B08. Use of Broadcast
Idea Creation GULLERS GRUPP Stockholm, SWEDEN
Media Placement GULLERS GRUPP Stockholm, SWEDEN
Production GULLERS GRUPP Stockholm, SWEDEN
Name Company Position
Johan Yilmaz Gullers Grupp Creative Director
Jerker Belvert Gullers Grupp Creative Director / Art Director
Gith Kjellin Gullers Grupp Production manager
Hemming Lindell Gullers Grupp Account manager
Ulrika Enström Gullers Grupp Media / PR strategist
Jonatan Belvert Gullers Grupp Designer
Cornelia Böttiger Gullers Grupp Junior Consultant
Philip Puljak Freelance Film editor / Grade / Sound mix
Petter Thermaenius Freelance Film producer / Director
Nils Cromnow Freelance Filmer / Photographer
Kenneth Wall Södertörn university Head of communication

The Campaign

The key to getting the target audience’s attention and keep a high amount of applications, lies in changing their perception of the teacher profession. How do we get them to rethink what it is to be a teacher? How do we spark the idea of becoming a teacher in people that have never even considered it? We show them how inspiring people, that doesn´t work as teacher, actually posses the same abilities as great teachers. Thus letting the status of these role models spill over on the teacher profession. The campaign follows two role models with a high status in the target audience, the rapper Rosh and football player Stefan Batan, showing how they actually posses the same qualities needed for being a teacher; the ability to engage and challenge.

Campaign Success

The film followed two role models during one day, without a script, and leading up to a big concert and an important game. Through their own words and in their real life, the role models showed qualities needed for being a teacher. As a young rapper, criticizing today’s norms, Rosh talked about how she feels a responsibility to behave as a teacher on stage because fans will try and recognize themselves in her situation. Stefan Batan talked about how he is a teacher 24/7 since football is a way out for young people in trouble. A cinema advertisement was distributed to eleven cinemas in Stockholm, running for six days, airing before movies adapted to the target audience. A full-length film was added on Youtube where viewers got a deeper understanding of the message. All links pointed to a campaign site where it was easy to apply or tell friends.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

The 2015 campaign exceeded all expectations. The number of firsthand applications to SH's teaching programs increased 1769 % above the national average of educator programs in Sweden. These numbers prove how SH created a strong influence and a real relationship with the target audience. This was also in a year when the number of applicants fell in 8 out of 14 universities that educate teachers. The total number of applications increased with 21%, which is 402 % more than the national average. The number of visitors to the application website increased with 40 %. The film had a total amount of 100 000 views on Youtube and 100 000 viewers at the cinema. The campaign was SH's only recruitment activity during the year.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

iTeach focused on solving the shortage of teachers by changing the perception of the profession. The target audience is most receptive to cinema advertisement, but is critical to polished messages. With a genuine ad that brings the teacher profession to life, we showed how roles models that doesn´t work as teachers, actually posses the same abilities as great teachers. iTeach generated huge interaction. By solving a real problem, and a clear call to action, iTeach sparked real, and long-term consumer participation. The firsthand applications for Södertörn University's educator programs increased with 1769% more than the national average in Sweden.

Young progressive people in Stockholm between the ages of 19-29 require communication adapted to their reality. They have a critical approach to messages that seem to be directed or polished. A survey showed that the target audience is most receptive to messages in the form of cinema advertisement. While your typical cinema ad usually is excessively directed, SH did the opposite and created genuine and down-to-earth content. The campaign was adapted to the target audience’s media consumption habits. With a disruptive concept, the focus was to get the people that want’s to become a teacher to apply to SH by showing how their teaching programs are more focused on reality. And at the same time engaging the people that never once though about becoming a teacher, showing them more about the profession and in encouraging them to apply to SH.