2016 Promo & Activation


Category C03. Use of Social Platforms
Additional Company X-PRIME GROUPE Paris, FRANCE
Name Company Position
Anne-Cécile Tauleigne J. Walter Thompson Paris Executive Creative Director
Adrien Mancel J. Walter Thompson Paris Copywriter
Paul-Émile Raymond J. Walter Thompson Paris Art Director
Ludovic Marrocco J. Walter Thompson Paris Creative Director
Christelle NGuyen J. Walter Thompson Paris Agency Producer
Julien Chesne J. Walter Thompson Paris Senior Art Director
Jeanne Le Cam J. Walter Thompson Paris Art Director
Eric Auvinet J. Walter Thompson Paris Senior Copywriter
Chloé Ducrey J. Walter Thompson Paris Account Manager

The Campaign

The very first filter that transforms every insult posted on forums and blogs into a ridiculous kawaii emoji.This unique moderation tool blocks cyber-violence in real-time and challenges haters’ egos. To avoid looking cheesy, they have to moderate themselves.Even better, if they don’t, they give Respect zone higher visibility and more opportunity to inform everyone about the serious consequences of bullying.

Campaign Success

First, we made noise around the project and the fight against cyber-bullying to recruit partners. For this purpose, we launched an online video that explained the project.Melty was the first to get in and we developed a code line adapted to their site's interface thanks to their technical support. With a long list of insults to use as keywords and lot of Kawaii emojis, we quickly modified their online moderator.Then, without warning Internet users, the emojis’ show began for a whole day. When a hater tried to post an insult in a comment, a kawaii emoji branded with the Respect Zone clickable logo appeared instead.We developed a methodology easily adaptable. So we are now able to install this moderation filter everywhere.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

The number of visible insults decreased by 100% during the operation and by 30% the days after. Hundreds of comments were transformed into a Respect Zone ad and almost 1 million unique visitors were exposed with 0€ spent in media.The Respect Zone website had an increase of 175% in visitors, with an average age of 14 years old. The association enjoyed thousands of free media covers for a debate completely revived in France.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

The Unicorns Vs Haters campaign is a completely new way to promote our awareness message. It doesn't only block cyber violence in real time, forcing hates to moderate themselves to avoid looking cheesy. It directly uses haters’ comments on teenagers forums and blogs to highlight the Respect Zone awareness message about cyber-violence serious consequences.Moreover it generates an instant modification on haters’ behavior and reinforces the relationship between Respect Zone and the young audience.

We target teenage Internet users from 10 to 18 years old, because they are the first ones concerned and the real actors of cyber-violence.We choose an unusual tone: irony instead of pathos. Haters will be more affected by cheesy kawaii emojis that they can't stand, than by a victim’s story.We decide to use hateful comments as a new channel of communication. By transforming haters into those who promote the awareness message, Respect Zone touches the right audience and changes concretely haters’ behaviors.This strategy makes this work a long-term digital project that can be used anytime on any platform.