2016 Promo & Activation


Product/ServiceTAXI SERVICES
Category B04. Use of Ambient Media: Small Scale
Name Company Position
Mikhail Kudashkin Leo Burnett Moscow Executive Creative Director
Ilya Pryamilov Leo Burnett Moscow Senior Art Director
Vasiliy Gubin Leo Burnett Moscow Senior Copywriter
Andrey Kokorin Bang Bang Studio Illustrator
Irina Kartina Leo Burnett Moscow Senior Corporate Communication Magager
Ksenia Sharapova Leo Burnett Moscow Junior Corporate Communication Manager
Anastasia Naassan Uber Marketing manager Uber
Evgeniya Shipova Uber Head of communications

The Campaign

People enjoy examining their wine bottle labels - grape variety, vintage year and other details do not go unnoticed. Besides, oftentimes beautiful landscapes are depicted on the labels. Our idea - produce a special batch of wine in collaboration with Jean-Jacques wine bar chain. Terrible car crashes scenes are artistically blended into the beautiful vineyard landscapes. The printed text tells us not about the grape variety but rather about danger of drinking and driving. Back label offers an alternative - free Uber ride.

Campaign Success

We introduced our promo for Uber with the Jean-Jacque's wine bar chain. With that in mind, we took the already popular and beloved by many private label wine made by Jean-Jacques. And now we just had to issue a new run of wine bottle labels - we came up with a series of three different landscapes. A batch of one thousand bottles was selling in all eight Jean-Jacques restaurants throughout Moscow. We didn't talk in advance about our idea and guests learned about promo only when they read the text printed on the bottle of wine they just have ordered.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

- 92% Uber was able to track the exact number of codes used in this promo - 1000 bottles were ordered - 200 000 social media impressions - 30+ coverage of influent media ...but was most important all the passengers got home safe and sound. Uber has helped to make roads safer in Russia, and has proven itself as a socially responsible brand. And, the company won many new customers without spending a penny on media budget.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

In the world, there are thousands of campaigns against drink & drive. Our idea - not only to talk about the problem, but also help a driver who had one too many in a restaurant change his decision and not to get behind the wheel.

In world Uber has this whole Don't Drink and Drive platform - the brand is always there for you when it comes to safety. The target audience are motorists who could potentially drive under the influence of alcohol. Such "drink and drive" decision comes to people spontaneously and often with a glass of wine in their hands. And it's exactly then, in that particular moment, when this person has to be driven towards the right decision - on one hand, we demonstrate, what could happen when you drink and drive, and, on the other hand, we suggest this simple and convenient alternative - a free Uber ride.