2016 Promo & Activation


Product/ServiceFIAT RANGE
Category C05. Co-Creation & User Generated Content
Name Company Position
Alessandro Antonini / Francesco Bozza Leo Burnett Company Srl Executive Creative Directors
Davide Boscacci Leo Burnett Company Srl Group Creative Director
Valerio Le Moli Leo Burnett Company Srl Creative Director
Giuseppe Campisi Leo Burnett Company Srl Art Director
Fabio Lattes Romeiro Leo Burnett Company Srl Copywriter
Riccardo Biancorosso Leo Burnett Company Srl Head of TV Dept. (Miracle)
Cristina Tosatto Leo Burnett Company Srl Agency Producer (Miracle)

The Campaign

Football is where today’s heroes are made. Where they are worshiped, loved, idolized. And handsomely paid for it. But Fiat, the brand of every Italian and sponsor of the Italian national team, thinks differently. Fiat believes that football creates much greater heroes, that deserves to be praised and celebrated: the everyday people. So, we decided to give them the chance to actually be a hero inviting the legendary Bruno Pizzul, the voice of Italian football, to narrate for the first time the goals and plays of everyday players. First we asked people to send us their videos, with examples of plays narrated by Pizzul. Then we had Pizzul to comment the most exciting, posting them through Facebook’s fanpage and later on, featured at the traditional Gazzetta’s dello Sport homepage. Making everyday football fans the heroes they always were.

Campaign Success

The whole activation lasted one month, between May and June of 2016. A dedicated website was created to host and receive every single video, uploaded by football fans from Italy and abroad. To encourage participation, promotional posts - including a video from the legendary Pizzul himself – invited fans and supported the activation at Fiat’s official Fanpage. Participation was also encouraged with press releases to online news sites. All 126 videos received had to be narrowed to the 20 best and most creative plays, each of them getting a customized narration of the legendary Bruno Pizzul. The well-deserved winning videos were shared on Fiat’s official Fanpage and at the front cover of the Gazzetta dello Sport.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

The activation raised awareness for the brand and consolidated Fiat’s role as the National Team’s main sponsor, with 7.8 million reaches on social network and over 2 million views. The collateral got spontaneous media coverage from the country’s most important newspapers, such as Repubblica and Corriere della Sera. The videos were also displayed at Gazzetta dello Sport’s homepage. The collateral transformed real user-content into a custom-made unforgettable video. Making sure that every single selected video had an involving narration from the legendary Bruno Pizzul. The increasing number of views from all the generated content throughout also evidenced the collateral’s success. The videos and content generated from the collateral created a great positive buzz for the brand. With a total reach of 6.5 million contacts through Facebook alone. In total, 126 people from Italy and abroad registered for a chance of having the legendary Pizzul narrate their goal.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

Because it gave life to a spot campaign, to the client’s sponsorship if the Italian National Football Team and most importantly, to Fiat’s special and far deep connection with Italy and one of its greatest passions. The project honored every Italian and its love for the sport, by inviting them to actively participate on an activation that rewarded them with a priceless prize – especially for someone born and bred in Italy.

Our targeted audience couldn’t be as broader as this: every Italian, which at some point of his day relates to football. The affinity and relevance of the activation’s message to our wide target – honoring them as true football heroes - didn’t prevent us from focusing on an effective online presence, using Fiat’s fanpage, media coverage and Bruno Pizzul himself to spread this unique opportunity forward.