2016 Promo & Activation


Category A08. Charities, Public Health & Safety, Public Awareness Messages
Additional Company MRM WORLDWIDE Clichy, FRANCE
Additional Company 2 CAPITAINE PLOUF Paris, FRANCE
Name Company Position
Riccardo Fregoso McCANN Paris Executive Creative Director
Julien Chiapolini McCANN Paris Executive Creative Director
Christophe Rambaux McCANN Paris Art Director
Gilles Ollier McCANN Paris Copywritter
Bruno Tallent McCANN Paris CEO McCANN France
Fiona Ferrier-Weil McCANN Paris International Account Manager
Coline Déchelette McCANN Paris Project Manager
Selim Boukhanef McCANN Paris Digital Account Director
Grégoire Talbot McCANN Paris Digital Project Manager
Véronique Leblanc McCANN Paris Art Buyer
Delphine Devaux McCANN Paris Art buyer
Isabelle Créchet McCANN Paris Producer
Sarah Woodcock McCANN Paris Producer
Caroline de Genis McCANN Paris Post-producer
Dragan Kontic MRM//McCANN Chief Technology Officer
Vianney de Villiers MRM//McCANN Responsable d'Exploitation
Clément Hardouïn MRM//McCANN Technical Project Manager
Pierre-Yves Chassaigne MRM//McCANN Front end developer
Agnieszka Kozbial Medialab Technology Managing director
Mickaël Vo Y Phong Medialab Technology Editor
Nicolas Gras Medialab Technology Editor
Fasutine Boussicot Medialab Technology Production Manager
Tom Buisseret Zeyneprepresents Photographer
Pauline Darley La Crime Photographer
Maniacha B agency Make-up
Olivier Duperrin Olivier Duperrin Casting Director
Sess mademoisellemu Make-up
Capitaine Plouf Capitaine Plouf Sound Producer

The Campaign

We created a fake escort website, girlsofparadise.sex, on which the girls are already dead, but the clients don't know it yet. Each story is a reconstruction of a real case. When the potential client called or started to chat with one of them he thought was a real prostitute, he was tricked into hearing her real, tragic story.

Campaign Success

We asked 10 actresses to embody 10 characters based on the tragic stories of real-life prostitutes, victims of the system. We created girlsofparadise.sex, a website with the look and feel of a real escort website, bought the domain name, and published a few client posts on dedicated forums to attract potential clients to our site. In parrallel, we set up a call center to answer incoming phone calls and respond to chat and text messages. The call center was open for a full week. Today the website is still online, a robot answers live chat requests informing clients what happens behind the scenes when they pay for sex.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

The platform was very effective considering the fact that there was no paid media for the campaign and we used only local channels to promote the project. Just in the first week we received more than 600 phone calls and over 3000 phone calls throughout the whole month and thousands of texts and chat conversations. Concerning the website we had 5 155 one time visitors the first month. Of all the visitors 73,2% of them interacted by chat, spending an average time of 1 minute 14 seconds. On April 6, 2016, the French deputies voted a law that penalizes clients of prostitution: the best result the Mouvement du Nid could wish for. Finally, when the association unveiled the story of the operation, we had amazing press coverage in France and also, throughout the world with more than 150 articles worldwide in major media, creating a true social debate about prostitution.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

The campaign is based on authentic interaction with clients aimed at making them grasp just to what extent they are accomplices in violence against women. Only a shocking reality check could help change their perception of prostitution.

The association's main objective is to prevent young generations from entering the prostitution system. To do so, we decided to show that clients are actually accomplices of the system: when they pay for sex, they actually promote the violence that prostitutes suffer from everyday. For us, the more powerful way to demonstrate this was to use true stories of prostitutes who were murdered or injured by a client or their pimp.