2016 Promo & Activation


Product/ServiceDIGNITY KIT
Category A08. Charities, Public Health & Safety, Public Awareness Messages
Idea Creation ICI BARBES Paris, FRANCE
Name Company Position
Didier Aerts, Fabien Nunez, Zhou Sha, Julien Colas Ici Barbes (BDDP & Fils ) Copywriter: Didier Aerts, Julien Colas / Artistic Director: Fabien Nunez, Zhou Sha

The Campaign

The creative idea is to give the opportunity to volunteer virtually with friends. You just have to buy an item of the kit for 1 euro, and share it to a specific friend. This friend has to buy another item, and share it to a friend. When we come full circle, that is to say when the 7 items of the kit are bought by 7 friends, the kit is complete and goes on the camp for a refugee. When you ask for a friend to complete the kit, you also increase awareness among your community. And awareness is precious for causes like these.

Campaign Success

We made a moving commercial showing how it is necessary for refugees to be able to maintain their dignity, the idea was to show how hard it is to live his daily life when it’s impossible to make the everyday gestures. We also made prints showing the items of the kit, and it was possible to scan the items you wanted to buy. And a website, very intuitive, simple, and playful on which it was possible to buy an item, a full kit or make a free donation. The campaign was national and has lasted 2 weeks.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

In 2 weeks, we collected 82% of what we usually collect in one year through our traditional process. Even if people could give 1 €, the average amount of donation was 27 €. We had a lot of press coverage and the campaign has even been parodied by les Guignols de L’info ( French Saturday Night Live with puppets). We were in trending topics the day we launched the campaign.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

The work is relevant because it has simply redefined generosity and volunteering thanks to social media. It has generated interactions between friends on facebook and twitter but most of all it has had a direct impact on thousands of refugees. Not only people have given money but each person who has participated has generated virality and awareness on this cause. It was a simple thing to do, and a micro-donation multiplied and echoed through social networks that has made a huge difference.

Usually donators are old and rich people. The strategy was to target a younger audience thanks to social networks. We knew that it was a wider audience but also a poorer one, so we had to find a way to make them give a little money but as much exposure, visibility and virality they could. We had to simplify the way people could give, thanks to a text, by scanning a product on the printed ads we made. But we also created a website on which it was quick, easy and playful to make a donation.