2016 Promo & Activation


Category A06. Financial Products & Services, Commercial Public Services, Business Products & Services
Idea Creation BBDO BELGIUM Brussels, BELGIUM
Additional Company SCARLET Brussels, BELGIUM
Name Company Position
Toon Vanpoucke BBDO Belgium Art Director
Morgane Choppinet BBDO Creative
Sebastien Devalck BBDO Creative Director
Arnaud Pitz BBDO Creative Director
Klaartje Galle BBDO Associate Creative Director
Jan Van Brakel BBDO Strategic Planner
Laura Deknock BBDO Content Strategist
Jan Schraeyen BBDO Social Content Producer
Catherine Deblock BBDO Account Director
Pauline Verboomen BBDO Account Manager
Nicolas Van Poeck BBDO TV producer
Raygun Raygun Sound production
Ketchum Ketchum public relations & marketing agency

The Campaign

Scarlet introduced: The Scarlet Snorkel set. And the Scarlet Sunscreen. People could order the new products online, in their pop-up store and even in travel agencies. It left people wondering: Why would a Telecom provider like scarlet, sell products that have nothing to do with their company? After a week of promoting on TV, social, outdoor and more, the C.E.O of Scarlet himself revealed why they sold them: Because they needed to find another way to make more money, now they had cut their roaming charges. Because no more roaming charges also meant less income for Scarlet. And everyone knows, Telecom operators only think about making cold hard cash off the back of their clients. Ironic? Just enough to make people aware Scarlet cuts their roaming charges.

Campaign Success

In the first week of the campaign, Scarlet really produced their own snorkel sets and sunscreens and promoted these new products on TV, pre-roll, social, banners on sites and specific travel booking sites, outdoor and even sampled their sunscreen in airports to reach as many Belgians as possible. People could buy the products in their own pop-up shop, travel agencies or their online shop. After the first teasing week, the C.E.O of Scarlet revealed why they’ve sold them in pre-rolls and on social. After the revealing, Scarlet adapted all their media with the message they had cut their roaming charges.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

Scarlet had the most successful month since they were founded 8 years ago. They more than doubled their sales with 122% compared with the same period last year!

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

With this campaign, Scarlet wanted to promote that they were the first operator to cut their roaming charges, and convince people to become Scarlet client.

Scarlet started the campaign with a teasing fase where they’ve let people believe they were really selling holiday products. Scarlet targetted as many Belgians as possible by using a lot of media. This confused a lot of Belgians, because why would a Telecom operator sell these products that had nothing to do with their company? In the revealing fase, Scarlet explained why, and adapted all their media to the message they were the first operator in Belgium to cut their roaming charges. Because Scarlet was the only operator to drop their roaming charges, they had to look for other revenue for the holiday season. The true nature of the campaign was clear: "Scarlet cuts roaming charges, but we must also be able to earn something" The entire campaign is is very much tongue-in-cheek with a firm wink to the entire telecoms sector.