2016 Promo & Activation


Category A06. Financial Products & Services, Commercial Public Services, Business Products & Services
Production CZAR Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS
Name Company Position
Gijs Sluijters DDB & Tribal Worldwide, Amsterdam Senior Creative
Joris Tol DDB & Tribal Worldwide, Amsterdam Senior Creative
Bram Holzapfel DDB & Tribal Worldwide, Amsterdam Creative Director
Stephen Joss DDB & Tribal Worldwide, Amsterdam Creative Director
Ralf Hesen DDB & Tribal Worldwide, Amsterdam Strategy Director
Esther the Pas DDB & Tribal Worldwide, Amsterdam Business Director
Jesse Mons DDB & Tribal Worldwide, Amsterdam Head of Digital Production
Victor Winters Magic Bullet Technical Director
Edwin Scholte Magic Bullet Technical Director
Kay Lindhout Czar Director
Tibor Dingelstadt Czar D.O.P.
Thijmen Doornik Czar D.O.P.
Marius De Weerd Czar Producer
Jur Rhode Czar 1st AD
Juno Jimmink Koala Sound Design and Music
Xander Nijsten Xander Nijsten Editor
Storm Post Production Storm Post Production Post Production
Daphne Maierna Storm Post Production Grading

The Campaign

To prove Vodafone’s role as thought leader, we created: The Smart Jacket. An interactive jacket that uses the smartphone to communicate with other road users. The jacket works like this: Map out a route and tuck the phone away in a special pocket in the sleeve. The phone is now locked and will only be used for navigation. A Raspberry Pi transfers the navigation data from the phone to 300 built-in LEDs. LEDs on the sleeves display the right directions to the cyclist during the ride. While arrows on the back of the jacket communicate to surrounding traffic where he is heading. While wearing the Smart Jacket in traffic: - you can’t be distracted by your smartphone while cycling - you can concentrate on the road - and other road users are alerted in time, so that they know where you’re going

Campaign Success

We started by building the jacket and custom app that goes with it. For the app we made use of Google Maps’ cues for left and right turns. The jacket was tested multiple times in traffic with various stakeholders in the field of safety, cycling and research and tech. These rides where documented for PR and social purposes. When we completed the rides, the campaign went live in the following order: - Release of campaign video on owned social channels. - Publication of press release in conjunction with the Dutch Cyclists Association. Shot after release: - The Smart Jacket got picked up by almost every major Dutch media title and shared massively by the audience online. - Vodafone hosted various events at which people could try out the jacket themselves. In terms of scale we’ve reached around 40% of the country’ population in the first 3 weeks through social, PR and events.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

Main KPI: increase Vodafone’s perception as a thought leader in mobile technology. Vodafone saw this perception increase by 63% compared to the period before the campaign. Brand consideration went up by 14%. Expert perception amongst men 20-49 went up by 28%. The campaign reached >90 million media impressions. The Smart Jacket was featured in almost every major Dutch media title and picked up by many international media and blogs. In total, we reached about 40% of the Dutch population. The Smart Jacket started the conversation around smartphones in traffic among the cycling-minded Dutch and the Jacket got endorsed and promoted by the Dutch Cyclists Association. Vodafone was invited to present at TEDx Delft on 15 April 2016 and did a brainstorm session on technology and safer traffic afterwards. The jacket will now be further developed by the Technical University Delft.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

The Smart Jacket campaign was made to promote Vodafone’s innovation programme called ‘mobile technology for good’. The centrepiece of the campaign was the interactive Smart Jacket. Consumers could try the jacket at various events. By bringing this piece of wearable tech to the public, Vodafone was able to make their innovation programme tangible and make it a conversation piece for many people. We’ve reached around 40% of the country’s population in the first 3 weeks through events, social and PR.

The aim was to reach as many people as possible in the Netherlands. A specified sub-target audience were people between 20 and 40 years old, predominantly male. Latently interested in gadgets and tech. To launch The Smart Jacket we made a piece of video content around it. This campaign video was shared on Vodafone’s social channels and pushed on social and through PR. This phase was all about making it ‘famous’. Once the Jacket was established, Vodafone held various events at which the public could try out the Jacket themselves. One of these events was a big TEDx conference at the Technical University Delft where visitors could try the jacket in a factitious traffic situation. All touchpoints led consumers to the ‘Powerful Connections’ platform on which various ‘mobile technology for good’ projects from Vodafone NL are highlighted.