2016 Promo & Activation


Category E02. Low Budget Campaign
Idea Creation ANORAK Oslo, NORWAY
Media Placement ANORAK Oslo, NORWAY
Name Company Position
Peter Power Anorak Copywriter
Lars Holthe Anorak Art director
Rune Roalsvig Anorak Client director
Ellen Sørnes Hilleren Anorak Account manager
Tone Jansson Anorak Art director

The Campaign

So we decided to create a brand new series of Butinox products: Butinox Gingerbread House Paint. To make our product as great as possible we teamed up with top pastry chef and gingerbread-expert Pierre Chinniah. After a long period of experimenting with different tastes, textures and colours we came up with a product that not only tasted great, but more importantly looked and behaved like real paint. Add mini-sized paint buckets and slight reduction in guarantee (from 12 years for regular paint to 12 days for our new product to ensure premium quality) we were all set.

The Brief

- Overall budget: 6500 EUR - Media spend: 545 EUR - Cost per piece: Film: 3000 EUR Website: 3000 EUR

Campaign Success

In early December, when people start planning their gingerbread houses we launched an online film that invited people into Butinox and Pierre Chinniah's world of Gingerbread House Paint and gingerbread houses. The gingerbread houses were designed especially to resemble real houses that you normally would paint with regular Butinox Paint. We also set up a web store showing different painted Gingerbread Houses, read more about our recipe and of course order Ginger Bread House Paint in your desired colour. With a microscopic media budget we put our money on one Facebook-post and there it started.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

- Shortly after we launched TV2, Norways biggest commercial TV-channel, picked up our online film and invited us to Norway's biggest morning show. We were given 12 minutes of airtime with an estimated value of 109 000 EUR. - Gingerbread House Paint was completely sold out after a few days - Over 200 000 impressions on Facebook (since Butinox didn't have or want their own Butinox Facebook page, we had to start from scratch with a fan page for the product) (Total population in Norway 5 million) - A brand new line of Butinox products ready to hit the stores next December

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

As the core of this job is all about promoting and inviting people to try a brand new and unexpected product, we believe that Gingerbread House Paint is more than relevant for Promo & Activation.

Our target audience was everyone who already had or planned to have a gingerbread house in there home during December. Which is probably at least 50% of Norway's population Our strategy was basically to create something that would make Butinox relevant when in off-season. If we could do this we would get all the attention since our competitors are as good as quiet during this period. With an extremely limited budget we couldn't buy attention. So we had to create something that could get people talking.