2016 Promo & Activation


Category B03. Use of Exhibitions / Installations
Entrant TRY Oslo, NORWAY
Idea Creation TRY Oslo, NORWAY
Media Placement TA/OPT Oslo, NORWAY
Media Placement 2 IUM Oslo, NORWAY
Additional Company 3 BYHANDS (ILLUSTRATION) Oslo, NORWAY
Name Company Position
Egil Pay TRY Art Director
Lars Joachim Grimstad TRY Copywriter
Jonas Grønnern TRY Copywriter
Caroline Ekrem TRY Copywriter
Lars-Kristian Harveg TRY Art Director
Sara Hødnebø TRY Art Director
Jeppe Gjesti TRY Graphic designer
Mona Løkke TRY Project manager
Jan Kristian Haavi APT Designer
Linda Tillier APT Producer
Henrik Habberstad Statoil Client
Tim Holdsworth Science Projects Design and production manager
Jenny Holdsworth Science Projects Graphics and marketing manager
Ian Walters Science Projects Production
Sindre Fossum Beyer TRY PR advisor
Svein Anders Dahl VilVite Managing Director
Marianne Strandly APT Producer
Nora Brech ByHands Illustrator
Silvia Moràn Kjølstad ByHands Agent
Lina Aas-Eng DNB PR advisor
Hanne Henriksen TA/OPT Head of client services
Pål Schultz TA/Opt Social media
Aleksander Erichsen TRY Art Director
Thea Emanuelsen TRY Art Director
Sven Jensen TRY Account Director
Roy Kristoffersen APT Motion graphics
Eirik Huse APT Animation
Magne Hage Apt Motion Motion graphics and animation
Caroline Werring Film Agency Oslo Producer
Vittoria Røkke Passalacqua Film Agency Oslo Producer
Andrea Eckerbom Tangrystan FIlm director
Lars Tovik Tangrystan Film director
Philip Notland TRY Designer
Karen Onsager Statoil Client

The Campaign

Project Imagination was launched as a creativity contest which was really about inviting children to come up with ideas to new inventions within the areas of energy, travel, learning and nutrition. The project was totally based on user-generated content and ideas from children only. Schoolchildren through out Norway were invited though an advertising and social media campaign to submit creative ideas. The best ideas should in fact be built as installations in an exhibition at science centres throughout Norway. The exhibition would travel from science centre to science centre so that as many children and families as possible would get the opportunity to visit and test the ideas - which again may cause a ripple effect of more interest for innovations, creativity and the STEM subjects.

Campaign Success

Statoil first announced the competition together with Norwegian science centers in June 2015. Through films in social media, print ads, outdoor boards and workshops on science centres, children were challenged to use your imagination to find solutions to tomorrow's challenges. More than 2400 ideas were submitted. 100 finalists were selected, and finally 12 winners, who got their invention built as a proper installation to the exhibitions that should tour the science museums of Noway in 2016 and 2017. The Project Imagination exhibition was built in the spring of 2016. The first exhibition opened in August 2016 at the VilVite Center in Bergen, Norway. It will move to Oslo in November 2016, and then to Trondheim, Tromsoe and Stavanger in 2017.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

The results were slightly overwhelming. The objective was to get 1800 idea submissions, while the actual number was 2400. 71% of those who had seen the communication claim that Statoil's commitment truly increases children and young peoples interest in science, technology, engineering and maths. When the Project Imagination exhibition opened at VilVite in Bergen in August, the science centre experienced a 33% increase in the numbers of visitors compares to the same period last year. The project has also created tremendous interest and press coverage in both regional and national media in Norway - which again has generated significant goodwill for Statoil.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

The backbone of the work is an exhibition with installations created by children for children.

Innovation is key to unlock the door of future value creation. It is especially important to Statoil, which is Norway's main engine for research and innovation. STEM is simply key to future success, not only for the energy corporation - but for the country as a whole. Hence, there is a need for long-term thinking and genuine involvement. The strategy is really based on Confucian philosophy; "tell me and I will forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I will understand." Inspiring young people using their imagination simply best creates involvement. Furthermore, it is about engaging in fun, relevant and rewarding science experiences. Statoil gets goodwill in the short-run, and hopefully more talents to choose from in the long run.