2016 Promo & Activation


Category B03. Use of Exhibitions / Installations
Media Placement STARCOM Stockholm, SWEDEN
Production CAMP DAVID Stockholm, SWEDEN
Name Company Position
Martin Runfors DDB Stockholm Creative
Dennis Phang DDB Stockholm Creative
Nick Christiansen DDB Stockholm Creative
Joel Ekstrand DDB Stockholm Creative
Ulrica Carlsson DDB Stockholm Account Manager
Christian Westelindh DDB Stockholm Account Director
Jacob Sandström DDB Stockholm Business Director
Andreas Bengtsson DDB Stockholm Graphic Designer
Daniel Israeli DDB Stockholm Special Ops
Per Welén DDB Stockholm Agency Producer

The Campaign

Surveys show that teenagers start helping out at home at higher ages than before, if at all, which not only irritates parents but may also leave teenagers unprepared when leaving home. A major cause of this is the increased screen time with various social media and gaming. We wanted to try and invert the trend, and get teenagers to help out at home, voluntarily. By combining a popular interest among teens – gaming – with a laundromat, we created LANdry. LANdry invited you to bring your dirty laundry and trade laundry time for gaming time. 1 hour washing = 1 hour gaming. The gaming stations were connected to the washers via wi-fi, letting you monitor your wash cycle and keep track of remaining gaming time. This also demonstrated the washers smart phone connectability.

Campaign Success

We revamped a locale in central Stockholm, Sweden, from the ground up with new plumbing, washing machines, dryers, tiling, high-speed internet and state-of-the-art gaming computers. On Samsung’s owned channels as well as in paid social media ads, targeted towards gamers, we invited people in Sweden to visit LANdry. We launched LANdry as a one-day event, and given the success, Samsung is now looking into expanding the concept. The event also resulted in a film presenting the concept where you got to meet a teenager and his family at their home, a film that clearly shows that laundry is not a top priority in his life. We introduced them to LANdry and filmed their reactions and thoughts on the concept. We posted the film on Youtube and social media, as press releases were sent to news sites in tech, gaming, media and family life. LANdry then spread organically.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

As of writing this, the film about LANdry has over 22 million views. This together with wide coverage online with quotes such as Digital Trends’ “If this doesn’t get people to clean their clothes, we don’t know what will.”, Yahoo’s “A smart way of enticing teenagers to help out around the home.” and PSFK’s “This may just be one way to reach the tech-obsessed youth generation of today.” lead to over 68 million impressions. Most importantly, we got our target audience eager to do some housework and engage in a low-interest product such as a washing machine.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

With LANdry, we launched a brand new concept merging the world of our target audience with an otherwise low-interest product. By cleverly placing something seemingly dull, a washing machine, in a new context of gaming and progressive technology, we made our target audience engage with the brand in an installation that helped establish Samsung as the most innovative brand in the category.

We want to prove that Samsung’s products can make a difference in a real situation, and elevate the products innovative key features by putting it in a new, unexpected setting that is smart and relevant. By defying barriers and taking on real life problems we created a brand new concept that our target audience, young tech savvy adults, wanted to experience and talk about.