2016 Promo & Activation


Category C06. Use of New Technology
Idea Creation CHEIL GERMANY Schwalbach, GERMANY
Name Company Position
Roland Rudolf Cheil Germany Chief Creative Officer
Thomas Schroeder Cheil Germany Executive Creative Director
Miriam Preissinger Cheil Germany Senior Art Director
Annika D'Ambrogio Cheil Germany Senior Copywriter
Moritz Gillrath Cheil Germany Agency Producer
Rafael Cavalcanti Cheil Germany Junior Art Director
Michelle Condé Cheil Germany Senior Designer
Jan Schwiersch Cheil Germany Head of Space Design
Christoph Fischer Cheil Germany Head of Development
Arno Klein Cheil Germany Art Director
Christof Pohl Cheil Germany Developer
Hong Seuk Lim Cheil Germany Marketing Service Director
Sabrina Mueller Cheil Germany Marketing Service Manager
Valentina Zehe Cheil Germany Marketing Service Manager
Christiane Lobenstein Cheil Germany Senior Planning Director
Rogier Schalken Media Monks Director
Bernd Out Media Monks Producer

The Campaign

DISCOVR THE WORLD ignites curiosity and introduces intense experiences: by empowering everybody to see and feel the diversity of our planet in only 80 seconds with all their senses.

Campaign Success

Three visitors at a time discovered the bursting colors at Holi festival in Rajasthan and the humidity of the Ekom Falls in the Cameroon jungle. They travelled from a windy monk ceremony at 3.500 meters height in Kashmir to the blazing heat of the Namib Desert. They felt the cold at a million of years old ice lagoon at Iceland and smelled an explosion of spices at the Gwangjang market in Seoul. We built an innovative VR booth that recreates the multisensory experience of each destination. Modules like a water dispenser, scent diffusor, 3D sound system, wind machine and heater are synchronized with the virtual journey to create the most immersive experience.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

In the first six hours after the opening, 240 people travelled the world in the VR booth. In only six days, we reached 650.000 contacts. Including TV broadcasting on n-TV and N24, the PR reach was 8.9 million in total. The visits on our VR platform increased by 450%. DISCOVR THE WORLD inspired them all by how far virtual reality can take us.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

We placed the DISCOVR THE WORLD booth at one of Berlin’s most frequented places, the Breitscheidplatz. The launch was celebrated with a huge press event to spark conversation in the media and activate the community online. In the first six hours, 240 people travelled the world in VR. In only six days, we reached 650.000 contacts in total.

RELEVANCE TO PLATFORM To create a long-term use for everything we are doing during IFA, we linked our IFA Motto to a content platform that Samsung is already using. At IFA, we expanded this with a VR-platform called “DISCOVR”. This way, we emphasize the VR-aspect of our activities and position Samsung as an innovation driver in this area. APPROACH We created an experience that normally only a few can have: we let people travel around the globe - and that within only a few seconds. This way Samsung shows not only the opportunities of VR-Technology but also claims its leadership in this area.