2016 Promo & Activation


Category E02. Low Budget Campaign
Entrant MILK Gothenburg, SWEDEN
Idea Creation MILK Gothenburg, SWEDEN
Name Company Position
Gunnar Skarland Milk Art Director
Kristofer Salsborn Milk Art director
Anders Malm Milk Copywriter
Anna Reynold Milk CEO
Marcus Aggfelt Milk Production Manager

The Campaign

To showcase the service the alarm company Sector Alarm provides, we installed an alarm in an envelope that went off when the letter is opened (the alarm rang for 8 seconds). It helped us grab recipient's attention, and helped make our sales reps cold calls a little warmer.

The Brief

Overall budget for a thousand Alarming Letters was less than €3000. The media spend was covered in the €3000 making it €0. Each Alarming Letter costed less than €3, including postage.

Campaign Success

Each letter was sent out with a handwritten address and signed in person by a sales rep. The selection of potential clients was based on a list that the sales reps themselves had created. Two days after the letter was sent out, the sales rep called or visited with the client they had sent the letter to. The campaign ran with a total of 1000 letters sent.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

Sales reps reported whopping 100 % of recipients that opened the letter remembered it when the sales reps contacted them. The sale increased with 28 %.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

When you open up a new business your main focus might be on safety. Therefore we needed to promote and activate potential clients and inform them about the service that Sector Alarm provides. This is a low budget direct mail campaign using a letter and an envelope to grab the attention of clients and showcase the product that Sector Alarm provides. The objective was to create a conversation piece for when the sales reps contacted the clients to book a meeting.

The target audience was small business owners operating within restaurants, barbershops, stores etc. The business' contacted were new in business and therefore without proper security solutions. In order to create a lasting impression, or any impression for that matter, we wanted to showcase our product and give the recipients a feel for the service Sector Alarm provides. The letter was sent out in small batches, so that the sales department could follow up each letter personally with either a phone call or a visit. This strategy was implemented during the whole campaign period.