2016 Promo & Activation


Category C01. Use of Digital Platforms
Idea Creation TBWA\BELGIUM Brussels, BELGIUM
Name Company Position
Gert Pauwels TBWA Brussels Creative Director
Marie-Laure Cliquennois TBWA Brussels Creative Director
Eric Maerschalck TBWA Brussels Copywriter
Michaël Mikiels TBWA Brussels Art Director
Wilfrid Morin TBWA Brussels Copywriter
Jeroen Govaert TBWA Brussels Digital Creative
Derek Brouwers TBWA Brussels Digital Creative
Stephanie Vercruysse TBWA Brussels Strategic Director
Geert Potargent TBWA Brussels Client Services Director
Pauline Kinet TBWA Brussels Account Director
Emilie Kino TBWA Brussels Account Manager
SAKE TBWA Brussels Radio & Film Production
Two Men and a Horsehead TBWA Brussels Design
E-Graphics Digital TBWA Brussels Platform production
Stijn Dupas TBWA Brussels Digital Production Director
Aline Vanliefland TBWA Brussels Digital Project Manager
Jan Bikkembergs Digital Craftsmen Digital Strategy
Christophe Chantraine TBWA Brussels Digital Strategy
Digital Craftsmen TBWA Brussels Bannering
Smarts TBWA Brussels Social Media
Pride TBWA Public Relations
Mindshare Mindshare Media Agency

The Campaign

Research revealed two main stress factors related to buying property: (1) is it a good investment, considering the evolution of the neighborhood? (2) will I like living in this area? 82% of Belgians consider the neighborhood as a very important factor in the buying decision. 25% even believe it’s more important than the house itself. 64% think it would be a good idea to test an area before actually buying a property. This is exactly what “Sleep On It” offered. Through a partnership with AirBnB, CBC invited people with buying intentions to test the neighborhood and thus make well-informed decisions. The objective was threefold: 1. Test the neighborhood 2. Test the type of home (e.g. loft, farm house, apartment) 3. Getting to know the surrounding amenities (schools, day-care, public transport, shops, etc.) to make sure the area is evolving in a favorable direction.

Campaign Success

A week before the campaign, we held a press conference concerning a real estate survey. As a conclusion, we revealed our solution: the campaign ‘sleep on it’. This created a lot of free publicity. It was followed by 2 waves of radio and bannering. A week later, prospects were targeted on social media. These ads were the greatest conversion driver to our platform. During the 7 weeks of the campaign, we constantly adjusted our social media buying to obtain the best results.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

The results were in line with the 3 objectives: 1.Give CBC a younger, more modern and more open image. 32% of the respondents said their perception of CBC changed for the better after the campaign. It scored substantially higher than previous campaigns on the following dimensions: more relevant, more surprising, less annoying, more useful, more modern, younger and more accessible. In addition, the campaign triggered a lot of talk value in the Belgian media, worth €390.000. Twice what we actually spent on media. 2.To be reconsidered as a bank for mortgage loans. Almost 50% appreciated the link between CBC and AirBnB. More than 50% said the action increased their confidence level towards the bank. 24% confirmed they would talk about the offer and CBC to friends. 19% of the respondents stated they would surely visit the CBC website after seeing the campaign. 3.To attract more people for a mortgage interview.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

We used a fashionable and fun - but highly relevant - incentive to activate the right target group. The buzz around the promotion created a large funnel, closing in on hot prospects with every step. To attract potential real estate buyers, we launched an online platform where they could choose a location and find all the interesting information about a neighborhood. But the real incentive was a free stay at an AirBnB in the immediate surroundings to ‘test’ the vicinity before buying. In exchange, they agreed to see a CBC advisor. This led to a considerable amount of valuable leads

The target audience consisted of everyone with the intention of acquiring new property, be it a home or a second residence. An important shift in the creative strategy was to move away from traditional communication on the product (e.g. interest rate) (TELL) to an approach that concretely demonstrated our promise (DO). And to make a shift from TELL to DO, we needed to adapt the media plan towards more interactive and targeted media. Central to the campaign was a platform where people could select a location with all the interesting information about a neighborhood. In return for an appointment with a CBC advisor, they received a free AirBnB voucher. On the one hand, we used mass media to create awareness for CBC and its renewed image. On the other hand, we turned to digital traffic-generating media and targeted sites (real estate websites and Facebook).