2016 Promo & Activation


Category C01. Use of Digital Platforms
Idea Creation DDB LATVIA Riga, LATVIA
Name Company Position
Andris Rubins DDB Latvia Maniging director
Annija Vitola DDB Latvia Account director
Madara Ramane DDB Latvia Account manager
Krisjanis Steins DDB Latvia Art director
Oskars Kupcans DDB Latvia Copywriter

The Campaign

Online dating is big right now. Various online dating apps mean increasingly more in our lives – first we had the first Tinder couples, then came Tinder weddings, and now there are Tinder babies. So we decided it’s time to create a place where instead of people it’s single socks that can find the love of their lives (and maybe their owners can too, who knows?). The principle is well-known – swipe right, swipe left, hope to get a match. Profiles, pictures, matches, all the works – but with socks instead of people. With a bit of tongue-in-cheek irony about online dating apps and an AddWash to win if you share your sock match on your Facebook timeline.

Campaign Success

We launched singlesocks.lv/lt/ee sites in the Baltics for people to create their single sock profiles, add photos and like photos of other socks. In a how-to video we explained in all seriousness how to add socks, how to swipe and how to express feelings. We had a handful of branded POS, two press releases and practically zero budget to promote our Tinder for socks. Social media was the key. To win a Samsung AddWash you had to share your sock match on your Facebook timeline, bringing new users to our site. More and more new sock match posts appeared on Facebook. We started with the Baltics, but the single sock dating site conquered the hearts of European media as well, and news of the Samsung AddWash appeared in advertising, marketing and lifestyle blogs and tweets across Europe. In the end six lucky Single Socks lovebirds won Samsung AddWash washing machines.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

Throughout the Baltics more than 11 000 users signed up for the single sock dating site. Each user spent on average 2 minutes on the site, and the Single Socks how-to video racked up over 500 000 views. Altogether the Single Socks message got 247 appearances in online media, print and radio in the Baltics. They say you cannot buy love, but now we know you can easily measure sock love in earned media in the Baltics and Europe – we earned a media budget equivalent to approximately 80 000 euro. Not bad for a bunch of single socks, eh?

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

Samsung launched the world’s first washing machine that allows adding small items to the wash without stopping the cycle. Our aim was to let people know this innovation exists and highlight that it solves a human need – the issue of dropped or forgotten wash items. Those who can afford this product are active internet users, so our campaign took place on social networks. To attract more attention and reward those who are willing to participate in the campaign, we offered to win a prize – the new Samsung AddWash.

Imagine, you put your socks in the wash, but only one comes out. A familiar situation? Most often small items of clothing like socks are left behind in the laundry basket, don’t get to the washing machine and lose their couple. Research by Samsung revealed that every other person in the Baltics (53%) had forgotten to add an item of clothing to the wash in the last month. And for every third respondent that item was a sock. The issue of single socks is clearly global, just like theories and jokes about where the missing socks go. So instead of talking about ourselves and this wonderful Samsung innovation (in a time when everyone produces innovations), we addressed the age-old problem of single socks and offered to solve it in a modern way. Thus our target audience was everyone who wears socks and washes their clothes.