2016 Promo & Activation


Category D02. Sponsorship & Partnerships
Entrant PRIME Stockholm, SWEDEN
Idea Creation PRIME Stockholm, SWEDEN
Additional Company MCDONALD'S SWEDEN Vårby, SWEDEN
Name Company Position
Sara Jansson McDonald's Sweden Project Manager
Mattias Oljelund Prime Weber Shandwick Account Director
Maria Ramsay Prime Weber Shandwick Executive Director
Sara Davidson Prime Weber Shandwick Account Team
Stina Gustafsson Prime Weber Shandwick PR strategy and content
Håkan Ström Prime Weber Shandwick PR strategy and content
Devi Brunson Prime Weber Shandwick Creative/Copywriter
Simon Svéd Prime Weber Shandwick Creative/Art Director/Conceptual Designer

The Campaign

McReservation – McDonald's first ever table booking service -World premiere for table bookings at McDonald's. -Book a table for you and your friends via a tailored digital interface. -Try Maestro Classic during a two-course meal at McDonald's, prepared and served by staff turned chefs, waiters and maitre d's.

Campaign Success

IMPLEMENTATION 1. Secure franchise restaurants to offer tables. 2. Collaborate exclusively with Bookatable, Europe's largest/most premium online reservation service. Create customized interface on their website. Put McDonald's on list of gourmet restaurants. 3. Create simple restaurant assets: Reservation sign, menu, table cover, restaurant staff instructions/manuscripts. Create/activate PR-assets: Invitations, press releases (Swedish/English), press/social media images, news letters, press room material. Hashtag: #bordpådonken 4. Serve two-course meal to guests – Maestro Classic with potato dippers/beverage, and dessert with coffee/tea. Surprise! The dinner is on the house. TIMELINE -Campaign live two weeks – Sept. 14th-Oct. 2nd 2015 -Tastemakers invited a week before bookings opened. PR-material/social media activated on booking opening day. -Realtime management in media/social media throughout campaign period. PLACEMENT Activation via: -Bookatable cwebsite (customized/exclusive digital interface), newsletter and social media. -McDonald's social media/press room/website. -Invitations/tip-off mails -Restaurants SCALE 31 restaurants in 27 cities offered table bookings. 2-8 seats available/evening.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

Analysis:Whispr Group AWARENESS -Local campaign became global news within 24hrs (27 countries). -Global reach: 263,000,000 (223 articles in traditional local/foodie/elite/lifestyle-media/dailies.) PR-value: 53M SEK (=€5,8M). -#bordpadonken successful/734K social media reach. -McDonald's dominated fast food segment in September (80% share-of-voice) and recieved double the media coverage in September vs. August. CONSIDERATION -100% positive/neutral coverage on McReservation/Maestro Classic. -Star-reviews from largest burger blogs. -Guests brought wine glasses/opera music/wore suits. Staff set tables with own decorations: Porcelein/candles/flowers! -McReservation/Maestro Classic described as: "super staff!"/"revolution"/"fine dining"/"classy"/"best burger I've eaten"/"new favourite". -+90% positive/neutral social media/media-discussions on McDonald's food quality during September. BUSINESS RESULTS -A top product launch campaign throughout Swedish McDonald's history. -Maestro Classic a top-selling burger of 2015. -255 bookings (Goal: 100 bookings). -Most successful company collaboration for Bookatable ever. -Ranked best local marketing by staff/franchisees. More restaurants added service during campaign/wanted extended campaign. -McReservation reactivated for next major gourmet burger launch with 60 restaurants.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

Reputation creativity: McReservation exceeds Swedish McDonald's priority goal: positive dialogue around the new gourmet burger offer/food quality. The creative idea is a humorous pioneer, resulting in trailblazing fast food chain events, 100% positive/neutral global media coverage, full restaurants and a top selling burger. Innovation: McReservation is McDonald's first ever table booking service globally, making McDonald's a game-changer since no other fast food chain of the same size has offered events of this kind. Trust/understanding: McReservation builds trust/understanding by welcoming guests/media to have a close look/taste of the new gourmet burger offer, and showing confidence through personal/transparent meetings between staff/guests

TARGET AUDIENCE Burger lovers Foodies Lifestyle 18-35 Guests Internal Local TARGET MEDIA PR PLANNING Many affordable places try to be fancy like expensive places when they're not. McDonald's should stay true to it's values by being gourmet for the people, and not try to be gourmet for the few. Gourmet for the people. APPROACH Make it possible to visit a fast food restaurant like you visit a fancy restaurant. -Down-to-earth humour. Give a tongue-in-cheek nod to fancy restaurants with expensive gourmet burgers by pretending to try to be fancy. Self-distance is key. -Local is key. Build engagement through franchise restaurant managers and local staff around the country. -Talk about the food! Dare talk about the food and the restaurant in detail – and dare to be proud of it! -Be innovative: Do someting no fast food chain has done before.