2016 Promo & Activation


Category B06. Use of Customer in-Store Experience
Entrant McCANN Madrid, SPAIN
Idea Creation McCANN Madrid, SPAIN
Production HARRY Madrid, SPAIN
Name Company Position
Mónica Moro Mccann Spain General Creative Director
Jon Lavin Mccann Spain Executive Creative Director
Raquel Martínez Mccann Spain Exectuive Creative Director
Héctor Losa Mccann Spain Art Director and Copywritter
Lorena Álvarez Mccann Spain Art Director and Copywritter

The Campaign

One of the most relevant tensions when it comes to understanding why women expect so much of themselves and feel so stressed to do all they have to do was “GUILT”, so how could we make women aware of the need to shake off that stress? How could we generate the optimal conditions?

Campaign Success

We offered the possibility of going to the restaurant or of obtaining a series of “delicious” experiences. Each week we held a lucky draw to determine the winners of the live experience and 3 WONDERBOXES. A total of 4 lucky draws for the 19th, 23rd and 31st May and 7th June. The bloggers of the Malas Madres club encouraged their followers in the social media to join in and take part in the experience.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

Record awareness, with less stress!! The campaign achieved a 51% impact, 9 points above food average 41% (above objectives)

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

By adding the different promotions to make users feel part of the campaign creation process (menu ideas) we strengthened the relationship with our consumers, which will be seen reflected in their feelings about the brand.

By creating a space where they could express themselves freely, …… ……. say out loud what they usually only say under their breath. To show kindred spirit and understanding. To play things down and “destress” themselves. Because, in fact, if they don’t manage to get everything done, if they fail to live up to expectations, IT’S OKAY, IT’S NOT A PROBLEM.