2016 Promo & Activation


Category D01. Launch / Re-launch
Name Company Position
Eva De Jonckheere, Tom Berth, Catheline Leroy, Geert De Rocker Publicis Brussels Art Director, Creative Director, Copywriter, Creative Director

The Campaign

160. That’s the amount of Mobistar shops nationwide in early 2016. Every shop had its own enormous letters above the entrance. That’s a lot of letters and it would be a shame to just throw them away. Instead, we found one last purpose for them. Encourage Mobistar customers to participate in a challenge, get creative and win these letters for themselves. People who wanted to participate had to upload their unique letter combination to a specially created website. Mobistar’s customers vary a lot. Mostly, though, they are people who could best be described as ‘digitally engaged’ and ‘exploring minds’. Passerby’s could get their inspiration from the gigantic 36m² panels in Brussels and Antwerp.

Campaign Success

The ultimate goal was to get people to visit the challenge website. Every banner, TV ad or Facebook-ad had as main purpose to generate traffic to this website. The Banner ads, TV ads and poster ads started on 03/06 and ended the 20th. This was called the Ramp-up period. The campaign consisted of two television spots, banners, fb-ads, a website and three 36m² panels (of which one had the real letters).

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

The results were measured on both rational and emotional impact. We saw that more than 75% of people clearly remembered the campaign. We also found that more than three quarters of all people felt attracted to the brand and that they were more interested than before. As for call to action-results, more than half of the consumers stated that they would actually “buy” the new product. The website generated a staggering 185.330 visits and 29.263 participants in only 2 weeks’ time. That means almost 11.000 visitors an 1750 participants each day, every day.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

The purpose of this campaign was to encourage people to participate with our contest. We did this via a wide spread activation. Through this activation, people subscribed to win the old Mobistar letters, and at the same time they were made familiar with the upcoming rebranding to Orange, and the product Orange has to offer to them specifically.

We made use of the anti-wastage trend and the ever present nostalgia people are carrying with them. Mobistar was perfectly placed because they were the first mobile operator in Belgium and they are one of the biggest Belgian brands. On top of that, they had stuff to give away since the rebranding of the shops was a necessary step to take in the rebranding process to Orange. And would not want to have the first letter of his/her kid/dog/grand-ma/city/etc. in neon?! Data was gathered from people who registered on the challenge website and was added to existing data of the person if this existed. The people that were targeted were already existing customers of Mobistar. Mobistar customers can best be described as ‘Enthusiastic explorers’, ‘dynamic parents’, ‘Positive aspirers’ and ‘Value optimizers’ - al with a slightly more than average interest in technology. And Mobistar letters, so it seemed.