2016 Promo & Activation


Category B05. Use of Ambient Media: Large Scale
Media Placement MEDIACOM Milan, ITALY
Name Company Position
Bruno Bertelli Publicis Italy Creative Director
Cristiana Boccassini Publicis Italy Creative Director
Alessandro Candito Publicis Italy Associate Creative Director
Paolo Bartalucci Publicis Italy Associate Creative Director
Martino Lapini Publicis Italy Digital Associate Creative Director
Azeglio Bozzardi Publicis Italy Digital Associate Creative Director
Guglielmo Pezzino Publicis Italy Strategic Planner
Barbara Pusca Publicis Italy Group Account Director
Filippo D'Andrea Publicis Italy Account Supervisor
Isabella Guazzone Publicis Italy Agency Producer
Claudio Gallinella Bedeschi Film Director
Fabrizio Squeo Bedeschi Film Editor
Federico Salvi Bedeschi Film Executive Producer
Paolo Ongari Nestlé Italia Business Executive Manager
Carlo Oldani Nestlé Italia Marketing Manager

The Campaign

Using the fac?ade of a large apartment building to transform it in a living ambient media that consists in building tables between the balconies of a building's facade. On the tables, two Nescafe? red mugs and a kettle. On the building facade just in front, a call to action invites people to have a coffee with their neighbors: GET CLOSER TO THOSE CLOSE TO YOU

Campaign Success

The key element of the operation is the table that connects the balcony of the facade. Using the same red of Nescafe? Red Mug, the tables has become the symbol of the operation: 1.82m long, it has been used as a bridge over the balconies, to connect the life of the residents of the apartment blocks.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

In just one week the outdoor was seen by thousands of people passing by, as it was in a very crowded area. At the same time millions of people on YouTube, Facebook and TV saw it. 48 Million Media impressions +11% Facebook fans +52% Brand popularity increased +6.400.000 total project views The condominium meetings are now more friendly.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

By using real people that live in the apartment building chosen for the operation, Nescafe? has shown the power of its red cup to give life to real connections. The facade of the building has been transformed in a living billboard, and the people that took part have become the testimonials of the brand, showing to everybody that it only takes a little to start a conversation.

Nescafe? shortens the distances between people that, although have something in common, are divided by a barrier. Most of time, people that live right next to you are the one you know the less: it is the exact case of the large apartment building, where people do not communicate and barely greets each other. Nescafe?, and its iconic red mug, gives you a reassuring heat that makes you receptive and the unplanned time to let you go to unexpected experiences. This operation is addressed to anyone living in a large apartment building, to show them how easy can be to break the barriers that divides their life and get in touch with those that live close to them. The video of the operation has been uploaded on YouTube and on Facebook, targeting millennials and people that live in large apartment buildings.