2016 Promo & Activation


Category B03. Use of Exhibitions / Installations
Entrant KING Stockholm, SWEDEN
Idea Creation KING Stockholm, SWEDEN
Name Company Position
Frank Hollingworth KING Creative Director
Christoffer Dymling KING Copywriter
Josephine Wallin KING Art Director
Axel Lokrantz Månson KING Art Director
Sunit Mehrotra KING Account Supervisor
Peter Preisler KING Account Director
Lena Ivarsson KING Account Manager
Per Wilson KING Planner

The Campaign

As a visitor in a new city, language can often be the biggest barrier to truly experience it. Thanks to the fact that Taxi Stockholm has drivers from over 90 countries, we could launch the Taxi Translators. A service to tourist offering them a driver speaking their language. 28 different languages were available, with drivers easily booked online. The service was a proof that multiculturalism is a commercial asset to a company and a proof that Taxi Stockholm values it highly.

Campaign Success

The service could be book online at taxitranslators.se and at hotels that Taxi Stockholm co-operated with. Internally the campaign started off by having drivers apply to be able to be a part of the new service. Special pins were produced that the chosen drivers could wear on their jackets. They stated what language that driver could speak a part from Swedish. We launched the service through an integrated campaign targeting both tourists and Stockholmers. That meant having outdoor ads at Arlanda Airport and close to tourist attraction in Stockholm. We also produced banner ads that targeted tourist and an online film explaining the service. To be able to reach both tourists and Stockholmers we produced two versions of the film and spread it to both targets separately. We also ran an PR campaign where we targeted both international and national press. Both traditional press as well as through social channels.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

Internally the campaign was a success as too many drivers applied to be a part of the service than Taxi Stockholm could handle. Proving that the campaign made them feel proud of being a part of Taxi Stockholm and this initiative. Sales during the campaign period, which is tourist season, was equal to last year. That is to be considered a good result since Taxi Stockholm’s competitors has started to investing heavily in updating their whole offering and marketing. The campaign reached an all-time high social media engagement. With over 90% positive sentiment. A quantitative survey with 200 Stockholmers found that 87% said the campaign made them see Taxi Stockholm as a more interesting company than their competitors. 57% said the campaign made them want to choose Taxi Stockholm for their next ride. And most importantly: 78% said the campaign made them see more positively on multiculturalism within companies.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

The whole campaign was purposely based around a subject that engages a lot of people today. Positive development within this subject is for the time being always widely reported and shared in social channels. Our intention was therefore that we would gain interest from journalist and in social channels by launching the Taxi Translators. Trying to reach our three target groups with a limited media budget also made PR an integral part of our strategy.

The Taxi Translators is a part of Taxi Stockholm’s strategy of becoming known as the taxi company that cares. This strategy is based on the fact that Taxi Stockholm really doesn’t have any other clear USP and the fact that Stockholmer’s are a progressive and ethically aware people. Increasing liking within the target group is a strong tool since almost all taxi companies today are offering the same product. This was a campaign with many target groups. Therefore, we choose a theme for the campaign that we knew would interest them all.