2016 Promo & Activation


Category A08. Charities, Public Health & Safety, Public Awareness Messages
Entrant ISOBAR Courbevoie, FRANCE
Idea Creation ISOBAR Courbevoie, FRANCE
Media Placement CARAT Coubevoie, FRANCE
Name Company Position
Elzéar de Trentinian Isobar Creative Director
Valérie Gautherot CARAT Managing Director
Julien Lefevre The Story Lab Managing Director

The Campaign

A pedagogic campaign to surprise audience on what a person with autism can do : First, a short movie released in theaters. Then, an immersive and interactive digital experience to provide the keys to a better understanding of autism spectrum disorders.

Campaign Success

First, a short movie released in theaters, shown for free in over 250 French cinemas and that tells Elliot’s story, a young boy with autism. Then, an immersive and interactive digital experience to provide the keys to a better understanding of autism spectrum disorders. The experience that enable to (re)live the movie through the difficulties of Elliot. It was widely relayed by both mainstream bloggers / webmagazines and parents of children with autism / associations;

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

+56 600 Interactions on social networks 5:24 mn Time spent on the digital experience The short movie : 1,4 M views 1 in 4 visitors share the experience 1,6 M people reached Dis-moi Elliot has already won 3 awards : Site of the Day - FWA, Website of the Day – CSS Design Awards and Site of the Day - AWWWARDS.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

On the occasion of the World Day against autism we achieved a pedagogic campaign for health ministry to change perceptions on persons with autism to allow better integration in France. As a matter of the fact, only 20% of children with autism attend school versus 80% elsewhere in Europe. Dis-moi Elliot is the first immersive and interactive experience specially designed to break down prejudices about people with autism with a lot of press coverage. This website reveal us daily difficulties of Elliot, a young boy with pervasive developmental disorders.

To change the perception, we set up a creative and innovative experience to engage the public. During the world day of autism, we launched an information campaign titled "Dis-moi Elliot", in order to increase French public awareness of autism issues. 1 / Engage with emotion 2 / Engage by experience