2016 Promo & Activation


Product/ServicePLAY UNIFIED
Category D01. Launch / Re-launch
Idea Creation LDV UNITED Antwerp, BELGIUM
Media Placement LDV UNITED Antwerp, BELGIUM
Production LUCIFER FILMS Tervuren, BELGIUM
Name Company Position
Tomas Sweertvaegher LDV United Strategic Director
Dennis Vandewalle LDV United Copywriter
Dries De Bruyn LDV United Art Director
Kristof Snels LDV United Creative Director
Jilze Gerritsen LDV United Account Manager
Eline Goethals LDV United Strategic Planner
Kevin Wittevrongel LDV United Strategic Planner
Dimitri Mundorff LDV United Head of Account
Zehra Sayin Special Olympics Belgium Co-CEO
Inge De Roeck Special Olympics Belgium Communicatie medewerker
Catalina Daniëls Special Olympics Belgium Co-CEO
Innie Tran LDV United Account Executive
Jeffrey Uten LDV United Brand Designer
Kurt De Leijer Lucifer Films Director
Dirk Leunis Dirk Leunis photography Photographer
Nick Gorrebeeck LDV United Digital Producer
Petra De Roos LDV United Managing Director

The Campaign

What would draw enough attention to introduce, explain and establish Play Unified in one go? What would make people engage themselves? We decided to reach out to sports heroes of today. But we didn’t ask them for help or their money, we didn’t take a humble position against these ‘Giants’, or ask for their sympathy vote. To the contrary, we turned the roles upside down: we let six unknown athletes with a mental disability boldly challenge today’s 7 biggest Belgian sport, still more, we implied they wouldn't dare to take on the challenges. In this way, these six mentally disabled athletes didn’t just challenge seven sport heroes, they challenged the way the world looks at them.

Campaign Success

It all started with 6 challenges, executed in 4 outdoor stunts and 2 online videos. All the athletes shared their challenge. The public was charmed by the boldness of the special athletes and pressured their heroes to participate. Within 24 hours all 7 athletes accepted the challenge and we had managed to explain the concept of #playunified to the Belgian people. In the next months we kept the conversation going by creating social shareable stunts to engage people (eg, national coach of the Red Devils called 8 unknown special athletes at the official press conference, we created a gigantic tifo in Anderlecht’s football arena) and by making a media highlight of every Unified Game. With each game played, #playunified generated more content, more people talking about it and getting convinced to participate. Because, thanks to social media reach of our sports heroes everyone could experience the joy of Playing Unified.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

What started with 7 challenges managed to create a dialogue between thousands of people, with a social reach of 25 million. Belgian television, national radio and every big national newspaper covered the remarkable challenges. In all, this led to 55 million impressions, leading up to 3 million earned media in the course of two months. We managed to get #playunified in the spotlight and keep it there for over two months. People didn’t see our message once or twice, but four or five times. But the biggest victory was when we got the attention of the national sports Federations (football, bowling, tennis, badminton). Thanks to these partnerships, we changed the course of #playunified in Belgium, and hundreds of clubs and thousands of athletes will discover the joy of Playing Unified. Thus achieving our most important victory: the one of social inclusion of mentally disabled athletes through sports and in society.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

To introduce Play Unified in Belgium, we let six mentally disabled athletes boldly challenge seven Belgian sport heroes. We reached the athletes on their training routes, with such bold challenges that every athlete shared it. In the next hours, the public joined the conversation, and pressured the athletes to take on the challenge. The next months we kept the conversation going, by making a media highlight of every Unified Game and launching (social shareable) stunts to gain attention. Important, with each game everyone could experience the joy of Playing Unified. That's when we activated them to sign up at playunified.be

We needed to reach everyone who plays sports in Belgium. With no media budget and very little owned reach, the smartest way to engage our audience was through their own sports heroes. We challenged not one, but seven top athletes. We needed their media reach to amplify our message and set an example for a whole nation. We reached them with bold messages, triggering social sharing. Once they did, the public had a front row seat: we hoped they would join us in pressuring the athletes to accept the challenge. Next we needed to convince Belgians to participate. We had created a stage, we used the media spotlight when it mattered most: at the actual games. So everyone could see and experience the joy of Playing Unified, through social media eyes of their sports heroes. That's when we activated them to sign up at playunified.be