2016 Promo & Activation


Product/ServiceLAV BEER
Category D01. Launch / Re-launch
Name Company Position
Jana Savić Rastovac McCann Beograd Creative Director
Bojan Babić McCann Beograd Bojan Babić
Lidija Milovanović McCann Beograd Associate Creative Director
Vladimir Vuković McCann Beograd Copywriter
Branko Andrejević McCann Beograd Art Director
Đorđe Milidžan McCann Beograd Client Service Director
Goran Jović McCann Beograd Account Manager
Marija Stošić McCann Beograd Strategic Planner

The Campaign

Unlike other mainstream brands in Serbia, LAV beer no longer contains corn and thus its quality has been notably improved, since corn lowers the quality and taste of beer. In order to promote this news and stimulate trial of new LAV beer, we have used the leftover corn that is no longer used in beer production to create new product that would be our new PR tool - LAV popcorn! This was not only our way to promote the improved quality of LAV beer, but also to promote the whole category and to educate drinkers about beer quality in general in Serbia.

Campaign Success

• Implementation: Together with improved LAV beer, the new product was sent out as a promotional gift to a number of social media influencers, online and offline celebrities, pop stars and journalists. It was supported through a series of videos featuring celebrity endorsers and given as a complimentary gift for each beer purchase. • Timeline: Teaser campaign started on 29th of July with first video being published on Facebook, over the next 10 days additional teaser videos were published with culmination being TVC that first ran on 10th of August, the same day LAV popcorn were offered as a complementary gift in stores for every LAV purchase. All LAV popcorn packs were given away by 30th of August. • Placement: This promo gift was placed as in stores, café shops, cinemas and music festivals. • Scale: In the first flight, we have given away 50K of LAV popcorn bags.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

• Business impact – sales, donations, site traffic: Only during one evening, on one place, during one single festival, we have given away 14K of LAV popcorn packs and sold 3 times more packs of LAV beer. • Response rate: In a matter of days, our story started conversations in media and on line communities of beer lovers, engaged 75K users, with 840 K views, viral reach of 560 K and 5.2 million impressions. • Change in behavior and consumer awareness: 200000 people tried LAV for the first time in order to experience the new taste.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

LAV POPCORN is a new product and, at the same time, the tool for promotion which was given as a promotional gift for all beer buyers in stores, pubs, cinemas and music festivals in Serbia. It is based upon demonstration through action, and consumers’ reaction.

• Target audience: Adult Serbian men, down to earth beer-drinkers, with a close circle of friends they trust (and they wouldn’t trust just anyone!), like to spend time and go out with. As 2016 was another election year in Serbia, they were overwhelmed by the huge amount of slogans and messages that kept coming from the media. • Our approach was to find the consumers where they are, create contact between the brand and the consumer, and demonstrate, through a new product, the change in our brew. The way we did it had to be impactful and original – the action that would provoke consumers’ reaction.