2016 Promo & Activation


Short List
Category B06. Use of Customer in-Store Experience
Name Company Position
Yacco Vijn TBWA\NEBOKO Creative Director
Radha Pleijsant TBWA\NEBOKO Creative
Jan Jesse Bakker TBWA\NEBOKO Designer
Darre van Dijk TBWA\NEBOKO CCO
Darius Dante TBWA\NEBOKO Composer
Robert Slot TBWA\NEBOKO Group Account Director
Pum Buisman TBWA\NEBOKO Head of Content Productions
Tieka Masfar TBWA\NEBOKO Producer
Edward Tetteroo This Page Amsterdam Partner
Koert Gaaikema TBWA\NEBOKO Technical Director
Kate Stone Novalia Cambridge Founder
Frits Jan Smit Eyehear Editor
Wouter Koomen TBWA\NEBOKO, Vidiboko Editor
Barry Clarke Captcha! Colorist
Matthijs Schoo TBWA\NEBOKO Creative
Maud Verhaak TBWA\NEBOKO Strategist

The Campaign

Creating music can really trigger creativity in young people. That's why McDonald’s in the Netherlands introduced McTrax. A paper placemat turned into a full music production station. By the use of conductive ink on a piece of paper people could connect our placemat to their smartphone. Every touchpoint triggered a full soundbank to kickstart their creativity. Just select a beat and people were good to go to create their own sounds and melodies. Then, you could tweak your track with any kind of effect. You could even record your own vocals! This is how we challenged young people’s talent by showing their music skills at McDonald's.

Campaign Success

In two months time we went from idea to prototype to final product. Hardware, software and creative agency parties, partnered to bring this idea to life. We have introduced McTrax in one McDonald’s in the Netherlands. The online video on Facebook and YouTube reached a wider audience.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

Results: - Over 35 million Twitter impressions; - 150 articles placed in titles all over the world, with a reach of over 6 million; - The online video has been viewed over 800.000 times. But more importantly: hundreds of people that would normally reject McDonald's, have now openly stated, that because of McTrax they would consider visiting a McDonald's restaurant again. Like Francois Renaud, from France in this tweet: Une bonne raison d'aller au #MacDo? Faire de la musique ?? Or like Renger Koning: I really like this! Although I never go to McDonalds I might reconsider.;-) So in addition to showing our Dutch teenage target audience we care about them, we just might have succeeded in winning back some customers from around the globe.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

The target group teens visit McDonald's Netherlands without even looking at the placemat. For them it has a pure functional purpose: keeping the tray clean. With McTrax we give this piece of paper a complete new meaning. We challenge them to express their creativity with this full music production station. In McDonald's and anywhere else. Moreover people who normally reject McDonald's, now openly stated online that because of McTrax they would reconsider a visit to McDonald's.

A strong increase in search volume for DJ and Producer-tutorials on Google and YouTube revealed a dream that many Dutch youngsters share. Becoming famous, hence the many examples of famous Dutch dj’s and producers. This data insight triggered McDonald's to embrace this creative ambition of their audience. The brief: create an innovative idea to bring their dream to live in an inspiring and innovative way. To actively support this creative ambition, McDonald’s came up with a new and innovative approach to their famous placemat. A technology driven, social and mobile first idea, that adds fun and renews the experience of a McDonald’s visit.