2016 Promo & Activation


Category B06. Use of Customer in-Store Experience
Entrant UNITE Moscow, RUSSIA
Idea Creation UNITE Moscow, RUSSIA
Name Company Position
Olga Matveeva Unite CEO
Liliya Iskhakova Unite Account Director
Alina Ivanova Unite Account Manager
Sergey Tumanov Unite Head of Purchasing Department
Olga Ostrova Unite Production Manager
Dmitry Mukhametzyanov Unite Production Manager
Dmitry Vorona Unite Creative director
Edoardo Rizzuti Unite Art Director
Natalia Maslova Unite Art Director
Sergey Agafonov Unite Art Director

The Campaign

The main creative idea was to create a new decoration for a back-to-school shopping zone styled as Harry Potter’s world. The area was designed to give the look and feeling of the ‘Magic School’ transforming the Central Children’s Store Atrium into an unusual yet functional zone to get all of back-to-school shopping done in one place. This unique creative zone allowed to attract a lot of consumers and to stand out among other shops.

Campaign Success

The agency developed the design and built a big and high tower (more than 7m high), a steam train (5m x 2.3 m), a traffic loop to display school backpacks, a real-size dray cart with old-fashioned suitcases and a mobile easy to move and transform decoration. Magic grimoires were styled to look old. The cinema zone was equipped with comfortable transforming hassocks. All the shelves with goods were seamlessly integrated in the decorations. Re-board and durable eco-friendly materials were used.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

• Over 20,000 shoppers a day • 200% higher sales than the forecast • A great number of positive customers feedback in social media • A great number of positive customers left feedback on great atmosphere in the store and a high interest of their kids towards decorations, interactive zones and installations.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

The project fits within these award criteria as one of the main goals for the Agency was to attract customers, create an atmosphere that would enhance the shopping activity on the one hand and be an entertainment for families with kids on the other.

The store was decorated as the ‘Magic School’ transforming the Central Children’s Store Atrium into an unusual yet functional zone to get all of back-to-school shopping done in one place. Total area of the store was 380 m². The navigation was well-structured with the store divided into zones visible from all the sides thus boosting sales. In that zone one could find everything they need for school. There was a cinema zone built for kids where they could sit comfortably on hassocks and watch cartoons to let their parents do all the shopping meanwhile.