2016 Promo & Activation


Category A08. Charities, Public Health & Safety, Public Awareness Messages
Idea Creation BBDO GROUP GERMANY Düsseldorf, GERMANY
Media Placement OMD GERMANY Düsseldorf, GERMANY
Production 2 CRAFTWORK Düsseldorf, GERMANY
Additional Company BBDO LIVE Düsseldorf, GERMANY
Name Company Position
Wolfgang Schneider BBDO Group Germany GmbH Chief Creative Officer
Darren Richardson BBDO Düsseldorf GmbH Chief Creative Officer
Kristoffer Heilemann BBDO Düsseldorf GmbH Creative Managing Director / Executive Creative Director
Marie Therès Schwingeler, Andy Wyeth, Konstanze Bruhns BBDO Düsseldorf GmbH Creative Director
Kirsten Dey-Kanani BBDO Düsseldorf GmbH Art Director
Ailton Henriques BBDO Düsseldorf GmbH Art Director
Fabian Haumann BBDO Düsseldorf GmbH Senior Art Director
Verena Schödel, Benjamin Kraus, Marvin Ruthmann, Janette Woelwer Anouk Huismann BBDO Düsseldorf GmbH Account Team
Steffen Gentis BBDO Group Germany GmbH Chief Production Officer
Alexander Link BBDO Düsseldorf GmbH Digital Media Designer
Michael Koch, Sarah Asic, Sabrina Niehuis CraftWork - a brand of ad agencyservices GmbH Producer
Juhn Kim, Jason May, Claude Keller, Lina Montag, Samir Saad, Lukas Schmücker, Kai Thorarensen, Anna Wegiel CraftWork - a brand of ad agencyservices GmbH Editor
Bradley Secker - Photographer
Peter Lony, Ulla Vogel Cobblestone Filmproduktion GmbH Producer
- CraftWork - a brand of ad agencyservices GmbH Post Production Company
- TRO GmbH Music Services Music/Sound Design
Ric Scheuss, Alexis Papandimitriou TRO GmbH Music Services Music/Sound Supervisor
Charlie Crane c/o Cobblestone Filmproduktion GmbH Director
John Barr c/o Cobblestone Filmproduktion GmbH Director of Photography
Tobias Saul - Typographer
Bernhard Burg, Dörte Reintgen-Krombusch BBDO Düsseldorf GmbH Print Producer

The Campaign

The Keys of Hope campaign was based on one small insight that gives a more human perspective to one of the biggest tragedies of our time: While refugees have to leave everything behind, there is one thing they all take with them – their house keys – a symbol of hope that one day, they will return. The campaign idea was to share 10 human stories behind 10 keys. Documented in Caritas refugee camps all over Europe, photographs and videos reveal the motivations of those fleeing their homes, none of which are economic. Campaign viewers would get to know people just like them, who had hopes, dreams, happiness, and a home they didn’t want to leave.

Campaign Success

The Keys of Hope campaign was implemented over the course of 6 weeks and consisted of 1 live art exhibits, and paid media worth 322.980€. Bloggers and influencers accounted for several articles and mentions.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

The campaign worked. People found and engaged with the Key of Hope prints and biographical films. They were engaged online via social, PR, and blog posts. They connected and shared the stories with their peers, generating 300% more traffic to the donation platform. Sponsored Media Placements all over national TV resulted in a reaching over 17 million people. But most important of all, the public debate changed, turning an anonymous mass of refugees back into human beings. It has given hope to people who need help.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

The campaign was dependent on completely voluntary consumer interaction in both online and offline spaces. People could attend a live art exhibition, immersing themselves in refugee stories via print portraits and video biographies. They could also explore the full spectrum of work online, with links for sharing throughout the digital platform, social media, and traditional outreach media. But unless this interaction moved them emotionally, the campaign would not have moved the needle. It was the willingness of bloggers, influentials, and the general population to abundantly share and tag the stories, raising awareness and donations, thus making the campaign a success.

• Target audience The campaign was aimed widely at Europeans - everyone affected by the refugee crisis. Benevolent art enthusiasts were the target focus for the live art exhibition. Bloggers and digital influentials were selected and targeted in an effort to harness their extensive influence to engage people in the digital Keys of Hope content. • Approach National TV, print, & PR, directed people to a robust digital platform and live art exhibit that gave the Keys of Hope stories the space they weren’t getting in mass media. All activations allowed for simple and direct donations. Bloggers, influencers, and people all over the social web used the hashtag #keysofhope to further awareness.