2016 Promo & Activation


Product/ServiceTEST DRIVE / ŠKODA
Category A03. Cars & Automotive Products & Services
Entrant LA CHOSE Paris, FRANCE
Idea Creation LA CHOSE Paris, FRANCE
Production LA CHOSE Paris, FRANCE
Name Company Position
Pascal Grégoire la chose CEO and Creative Director
Antoine Defaye la chose Copywriter
Joris Tripier Mondancin la chose Art Director
Nicolas Buisset la chose Head TV Prod
Jean-Baptiste Lucas la chose Agency representatives
Eric Guillod la chose Agency representatives
Pierre-Jean Besson la chose Agency representatives
Barka Zerouali la chose Head of communication / PR
Das Ding Das Ding Production house
Cédric Dubourg Das Ding Director
Yoann Morin Das Ding Production director
Alice Giraudo la chose Production Assistant
Emmanuel Bernard Das Ding Director of photography
Thibaut Quinchon Das Ding Sound Design
Das Ding Das Ding Sound production

The Campaign

La Chose and ŠKODA give cyclists the Chance to turn their two-wheelers into a four-wheel test drive! For a two week period interested buyers have the opportunity to earn a day-long test drive, giving them a real feeling of the brand’s cars. ŠKODA, a partner of the Tour de France for the past 13 years, is making an appeal to cyclists, giving them the chance to convert their kilometres pedalled into those behind the wheel, during two weeks in September.

Campaign Success

Participation was easy – French amateurs and professionals alike could sign up for free via the French start-up Cycling Heroes, an organization which allow brands to reward 50 000 cyclists each years for their activities. The operation has been deployed from September 3rd to 16th and participants could reserve their test drive, with a proof, within the dealerships until 3 months after the end of the operation.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

- In two weeks: a rise of test drive reservation of 119 % between the 3rd and the 16th of 2015 and the same period in 2016. - A participant’s age average of 37. An age that corresponds to our brand communication target. - Local and international PR impact. - 1 million digital impression of the video. - 550 000 persons were affected.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

For several reasons: - KM Converter by ŠKODA was designed to create immediate activation for the ŠKODA’s car range promotion through consumer engagement: the brand gives them a chance to turn their kilometres made by bike to kilometres within a car. - This was achieved by using digital and social mediums.

It was completely obvious to talk to French cyclist because: - France is a cyclist country. There are 30 millions of bike and 99,7% of French people know how to ride a bike. - ŠKODA, which got its start producing bicycles, has maintained strong links with the biking community, partnering with the Tour de France, the French cyclist federation, and sponsoring the Maillot Vert. With a small media budget, we decided to focus on: - Cycling lover’s community, with Cycling Heroes, Welovecycling (a cycling specialized media) and the French cyclist federation. - 25 – 35 years old target on Facebook.