2016 Promo & Activation


Category A06. Financial Products & Services, Commercial Public Services, Business Products & Services
Idea Creation GREY ARGENTINA Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
Production CASTA DIVA Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
Name Company Position
Diego Medvedocky Grey Argentina Creative Director
Marcelo Szechtman Casta Diva Buenos Aires Director
Marcos Hernandez Casta Diva Buenos Aires Executive Producer

The Campaign

For those who are familiar with them, finances are pure adrenaline: stocks going up and down, figures, charts, percentages, and interest rates. Being the most important financial newspaper in Argentina, El Cronista Comercial sought to bring this same adrenaline to those who are less used to finances. How? Making them live the financial rush. To that end, a number of charts of various historical economic crises were recreated in the air by an acrobatic airplane flying at 5,000 meters (nearly 16,500 feet). The aircraft went through each part of the graphics, going up and down at over 150 km per hour (93.2 mph.) New fans on El Cronista’s fanpage were invited to take part in this action. The experience was documented and later on used as branded content, both on traditional and digital channels.

Campaign Success

New fans on El Cronista’s fanpage invited to take part in the experience were taken to the Aerodrome located on the city’s outskirts. During an entire day there were a series of flights representing economic crises. While participants were flying through the crises’ charts on an acrobatic airplane 5,000 meters (nearly 16,500 feet) in the air, a voice was narrating the corresponding historical events on their headphones. This way, participants were able to experience Greece’s crisis, Argentina’s crisis, and the “dot com” crisis, among others. Flights were documented and later on used as content on social media, and digital and traditional channels.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

The video engagement reached 70% of the users who have completed the visualization. The average rate of the complete site in general is in a 38%. Almost doubling the average video engagement in cronista.com The reproductions increased approximately in a 3500% in relation to the regular video reproductions’s average in the fanpage. The scope to unique users was 50 times higher than the regular average of the fanpage. The spot was shared 100 times more than the general average of the videos in the fanpage. The scope was 50 times higher than the regular of the fanpage. The paper received 82,000 new fans on Facebook. More than 16 million people heard the news through television, radio and media coverage. We helped people who had never understood the economy to interpret it differently, and by converting data into entertainment and adrenaline our fans were able to enjoy a unique, unrepeatable experience.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

El Cronista Comercial launched its new institutional campaign enabling an audience less specialized in finances to experience economics as never before The project was created to engage our target audience by involving them in open contest on facebook to take part involving the winners in acrobatic flights that will be used for the final movie, and then with their shares on the social to make it viral Whole communication connected to this event and subsequently the online film, was so original that has involved various media Argentines.

Argentina has been a country in constant economic fluctuation for years. This makes an important number of its people wanting to be informed and to understand the changing reality. In fact, 83% of the adults older than 27 years old in an ABC12 level have declared to be interested in economic issues and have consulted financial supplement or information sources to be informed about these subject at least once every two weeks. El Cronista needs to strategically position as a specialized media but with a language that could be understood by most of young adults, whom consider it today too much of a technical newspaper. Today social networks are a place of opinion and participation, a key space for this target, we generated a content to invite them to live and share a different experience; one that represented economics as has never been lived and understood before.