2016 Promo & Activation


Category D01. Launch / Re-launch
Idea Creation DDB & TRIBAL Warsaw, POLAND
Media Placement MINDSHARE Warsaw, POLAND
Name Company Position
Katarzyna Tulej Mindshare Media Manager
Anna Dobrowolska Mindshare Senior Executive

The Campaign

While analyzing sales data, we have discovered that reaching wide audience with current communication strategy is not possible. Defining masculinity through the prism of men’s attractiveness to women is just one of many different opportunities. If we want to effectively reach men and increase market share, we need to find other ways. While observing changes in the model of masculinity we understood that having a “six-pack” is not more a determinant of being attractive. Basing on this insight we created a new communication idea. In our campaign we try to assure men that each one of them is attractive because of their unique features. What they need to do is to find those attributes and boost them using our products.

Campaign Success

Internet was a leading medium. Trough social media we precisely target to M 17:35 and adapt creatives according to their interests. Display campaign guaranteed high awareness. In cooperation with VICE we created a dedicated platform, where we gave the voice to men who have found their personal magic so as to inspire the other people to look for their own magic too. The section consisted of specific stories regarding men’s passions, way of thinking, living as well as photo shoots, video and graphic materials. In TV we used the opportunity to catch the audience of million people focused on EURO 2016. We prepared creations referring to the movie and linked them with Polish national team matches. They were emitted at dedicated section in mobile and were dynamically changed depending on the match results. As support of main communication we used cinema.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

The camping and materials, which we have created for our consumers, gave them a reason to discuss the definition of masculinity. It turned out to be a good medium to build a high reach and engagement in our target group. The movie “Find your magic” embedded on YouTube noted ~1,2 mio views, the material created with vloggers “The best motivating movie in the world” ~3,2 mio views, the content placed at VICE has been read by 260k UU. Display and VOD campaign generated 83mio impressions, TV spot has been watched by 31mio viewers (+4 y.o). Campaign on FB reached 75% of our TG (~3mio M 17:35).

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

After many years of a stereotypical strategy communication, there came a time for the real revolution! We’ve started to fight stereotypes about masculinity. We’ve given men the background to discuss the attractiveness and we’ve inspired them to look for their own magic feature/attribute, not placed in a product. We’ve changed the brand addressed for guys into the brand for real modern men.

Axe was growing up and changing its image due to changing costumers’ way of thinking. Three product lines, corresponding with modern men’s needs, belong to the redefined idea of the brand. AXE follows them from the beginning of their way (it does not matter if it is a skate park, urban jungle or „corpo world”) to find their magic. This is the reason why we guided our communication to 17-36-yo men, who are trying to find “that something” in themselves. While choosing media we selected the best affined media channels with the highest reach, where we could have presented a full story of the new brand idea. The movie showed unique features which make men attractive in different ways was main asset used in all communication channels Whereas that young men are very demanding customers, we decided to create dedicated content developing the new brand idea to provoke the discussion.