2016 Promo & Activation


Category B04. Use of Ambient Media: Small Scale
Name Company Position
Dries De Wilde & Koenraad Lefever Duval Guillaume Executive Creative Director
Arjen Tarras, Kasper Janssens & Lode Vochten Duval Guillaume Creative Team
Jef Leysen Duval Guillaume Account Manager
Dorien Van Antwerpen Duval Guillaume Account Executive
Melanie Chabrier Duval Guillaume Account Manager
Bart Callaerts Duval Guillaume TVC Producer
Joris Prikken La Mancha Cameraman
Carline Ropsy Duval Guillaume Account Executive

The Campaign

We collected pictures of people on Facebook/Instagram who were enjoying a holiday and shared it with the world. What they didn’t know, is that we could find their address in no time and went to their houses to hang a door hanger that says “Please come in, I’m on vacation” followed by the holiday picture they shared on the internet. After two weeks, we went back to confront them with the picture and the door hanger. We asked them if they were aware of the consequences the sharing of the holiday pictures have and if they were properly insured in case the thieves could enter when they were away. Those reactions we joined in a movie, which we shared on Facebook, YouTube and the AXA website.

Campaign Success

In the film you can see the reactions of the people we confronted with the fact that when they post their holiday pictures on social media, they actually are inviting thieves into their homes. We spread the film we made in Belgium on Facebook, YouTube and the AXA website. We made the film to trigger people to think about their actions on social movie and to visit the AXA website for more information about the proper insurances.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

The video has been seen 413.000 times on YouTube, 51.500 times on Facebook and 90.000 times on Twitter. We had a successful click through rate of 0,45% on Facebook only. Another interesting figure is the completion rate of the movie. 11% on Facebook, 20,27% on Twitter and 25% on YouTube. These figures were measured between 27/06/2016 and 14/08/2016.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

Promoting a home insurance can be done in many ways. AXA chose to use people's social posts in a unique way and give them an unexpected interaction with the brand. This campaign opens your eyes about the consequences of your on social media behaviour and activates you to see an AXA broker to in order to protect your home and belongings.

The campaign helped AXA achieve the objective of making people aware that a proper insurance is not a superfluity, but a basic need. In an impactful way, we made our target group think twice about their online behaviour and pointed them in the way of an AXA broker to review their current insurance situation with the help of a professional.