2016 Promo & Activation


Category A08. Charities, Public Health & Safety, Public Awareness Messages
Production STINK Paris, FRANCE
Additional Company STUDIO 5 Paris, FRANCE
Name Company Position
Alexander Kalchev DDB Paris Executive Creative Director
Melanie Pennec DDB Paris Creative
Jean Weessa DDB Paris Creative
Luc Evrard Médecins du Monde Advertiser Supervisor
Alexandre Jalbert Médecins du Monde Advertiser Supervisor
Justine Roche Médecins du Monde Advertiser Supervisor
Matthieu de Lesseux DDB Paris Co-President
Marine Hakim DDB Paris Agency Supervisor
Sophie Colus DDB Paris Agency Supervisor
Greg Panteix Stink Producer
Emma Luchini - Director
David Cailley Stink DOP
Clement Reynaud Studio 5 Sound Designer
Cédric Boit Studio 5 Sound Designer
Corentin Fohlen - Photographer

The Campaign

“I don’t have time”, “I’m in a rush today”, “next time, I swear”… Come on. If you really think about it, what’s your real excuse not to give to charities? We created a film, which plays with humor on our hurry Parisians replicas, but pronounced by the Doctors of the World staff to its beneficiaries.

Campaign Success

The film was broadcast on TV, and before each film screening of each MK2 cinema (3rd French cinema network) for 2 weeks during the new Star Wars release. It was then uploaded on Youtube and Facebook. The print campaign was rolled out during two weeks in the Paris subway and in both regional and nationwide print titles. The T-shirts were sold for one month, online and in-store.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

More than 3 million views. More than 600.000 Euros collected, making it the largest fundraiser ever for Doctors of the world.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

Money is something « taboo » in the French society, for the first time in charities, we decided to talk about money to create conversation.

"No excuses," unlike those we give daily. An integrated campaign which starts with a film, that plays with humor on our hurry Parisians replicas, but pronounced by the Doctors of the World staff to its beneficiaries. A press and outdoor campaign, which brings us face to face with our excuses. And to go further, we provided people with real good excuses not to give. We invented the « No excuses » brand, a special collection of 4 t-shirts sold at the famous concept-store Colette.